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It's been a few days since Davina had been brought to the cabin. She and Kol didn't talk too much, as she still didn't know what to think of him. Surprisingly, he wasn't feeding too much on her, which was weird.

Davina was currently drawing patterns on the window since it had just rained and there was condensation. She doesn't notice Kol enter her bedroom until he clears his throat.

"Oh," Davina mumbles as she turns around. "Hi."

"I brought you something." Kol hands Davina her records and grimoire, causing her to look at him in surprise.

"Really? I just...I didn't expect you to go back for them," she states.

"Well, I figured it would be pretty bad if you got bored to death in here," he shrugs. "There's a record player in the living room if you want to use it."

"Thank you," Davina nods, unsure of what else to say. She quickly looks through the records and chuckles when she sees the violin one. "This one actually isn't mine. I bought it for Josh and Aiden to set the mood on their dates."

"You should know, the day I ran into you-"

"Literally," Davina adds but then gestures for him to continue.

"The day I ran into you, I wasn't lying when I said you have good taste in music. I happen to favor jazz myself," Kol tells her with a miniscule smile.

"To be honest, I've never really listened to jazz. I'm mostly a fan of classic rock, but I thought I'd try something new."

"Well, then, you're missing out. Come here." Kol leads Davina into a corner of the living room where a record player was standing. She smiles and places one of the jazz records on it before moving the needle. Jazz begins playing softly, but Davina snaps her fingers, causing the volume and quality to increase.

"I've got to admit, this is really soothing," Davina chuckles. "Do people dance or sleep to this?"

"Either, I guess. I've always found it entrancing."

Davina then switches the record to the violin one and laughs when it begins to play. "Wow, this would be great music for a date. Just imagine being on a picnic with this playing. Rose petals would be falling and it would be so cute." She then mentally slaps her forehead for being such a hopeless romantic. "Wow, excuse my tangent there."

Kol stares at her for a moment before quickly walking towards the door. "I'm going to head out for a bit. Will you be alright here?"

Davina furrows her eyebrows at the question but nods. "Yeah. Where are you going?"

"Uh, to get something to eat."

"But I thought-" Davina's cut off when the door slams closed. She sighs, not understanding Kol one bit. He was more than willing to feed on her the other day.


Davina pages through her grimoire for nothing in particular. Her mother had always forbid her to practice magic, which was irritating, nonetheless. That was one of the reasons why she was so inexperienced. When she had moved in with Josh and Aiden, they encouraged her to work on her spells. Davina smiles at the memory of them, though her heart hurt at the thought of her never being able to see them again.

She pushes the depressing thoughts from her mind and continues looking through the book. Davina becomes so engrossed that she doesn't hear the front door open. When the floorboards creak, she looks up with a raised eyebrow, automatically assuming that Kol was back. However, that was not the case.

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