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Davina slowly opens her eyes and sees that she had fallen asleep on the picnic blanket. Kol's arm was currently draped over her waist and his face was buried in her hair, as they were both sleeping on their sides. Davina mentally pats herself on the back for cloaking them both the night before. She knew Freya would be able to override it eventually, but it would still take time.

"Kol," Davina whispers and elbows him slightly. "Wake up. I'm stiff and need to crack a few bones."

He eventually blinks awake and turns on his back before sitting up. "Who knew that sleeping on the ground would be so much more comforting than my bed."

"Yeah, hopefully, I didn't swallow any bugs or anything," she mumbles and sits up as well.

Kol frowns as he looks between himself and Davina. "I'm surprised we're both alive and still here."

"Well, I cloaked both of us," she informs him. "Freya's, like, ten times stronger than me, though. It won't take her long to break it. So, are we going to talk about what you're going to do?"

"Um, let's go back to the house first," Kol says before standing up. He offers Davina his hand, which she takes and hoists herself off the ground. The two of them make their way back to the cabin. However, the front door was wide open when they got there.

"Shit," Davina breathes as she peers inside. It was completely destroyed, which broke her heart. She thought the interior of his cabin looked so good. "They've been here already."

"And they broke everything," he grumbles with a roll of his eyes. "How unchivalrous of them."

"So, are we going to talk," Davina repeats in a firmer voice. "Or are you going to go be a martyr and face them head on?"

"Do you know what I thought when I first saw you?"

"How can I make her nose bleed?"

Kol chuckles and shakes his head. "No, I actually didn't mean to hit you with the door. To be honest, I was thinking about how I would convince you to go out with me."

"To kill?"

"Well, once I thought it through, that's what I concluded that I'd do. Not at first, though. Your personality kind of hit something with me. There was confidence and audacity, which was amusing, to say the least."

"But you settled on trying to murder me in the end," Davina remarks. "Guess I wasn't that interesting."

"You actually kind of pissed me off when you ditched the date," he admits, making Davina snort.

"Like the strangling wasn't enough proof of that," she comments, making Kol sigh guiltily.

"Right, I am truly sorry about that. And also for killing your professor, half of your class, and almost your best friend."

"Now that you say all of that, what exactly do I see in you," Davina smirks. "You're a bit psychotic."

"I will own up to that, yes. I also apologize for feeding on you and, uh, breaking your other friend's arm."

"Oh, yes, you fed on me and broke Josh's arm. Not to mention that you were about to go finish them both off after they stabbed you with a stake," she points out. "But, you killed Edith, and I am so grateful for that."

"Well, what can I say—I've got a bad temper," Kol shrugs with a hint of a smile. "However, I...I'm probably the most guilty about keeping you a prisoner here. It wasn't fair for you, and even though you had plenty of chances to run away, you didn't to keep your friends safe. I'm...sorry."

Davina bites her lip, unsure of what to say. In the end, she just nods wordlessly. She didn't know how ready she was to forget about everything he did to her. "We all do things we regret. I won't hold them against you forever. You know, if you actually make it out of this alive," Davina tells him, though ends in a sarcastic note. "Speaking of, what exactly is your plan?"

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