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"So, the guy practically hit you in the face with a door, and that's why your nose was bleeding when you came back?"

"Yes, Josh, how many times do I have to tell you? Besides, I'm probably not going to see him again, so it doesn't really matter," Davina shrugs.

"Was he good-looking?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know? You have eyes, D," Josh exclaims.

"I wasn't exactly gauging anything," she points out. When he shoots her a look, Davina sighs. "Fine, yes, he was, but you already have an amazing boyfriend, so I don't know why you're asking."

"Did he give you his number?"

"Does it matter?"

"It does, very much. Davina, you need to get out more. Stop listening to your sappy music and find yourself a guy," Josh tells her bluntly.

"I'm good," she snorts, shaking her head. "I'm focusing on school and, well, you know, my witchcraft. Plus, Tim and I broke up a couple months ago, so I'm not sure I want to start dating again."

"But you do," Josh urges. Suddenly, Davina's phone beeps with a text. She glances at it and sees that Kaleb had just asked if she wanted to go out for dinner sometime. Josh notices and breaks into a smile. "He asked you out. You're going to say yes, right?"

"Actually, I'm not," Davina replies and begins typing. "I just told you, I'm not interested in dating anyone." Josh steals her phone just then and texts something of his own, annoying her. "Hey! What are you doing?"

"I'm doing what best friends are supposed to do. I'm setting you up with this guy. Trust me, you'll thank me later," Josh grins and hands Davina her phone back. She sees that he texted that night would work for dinner and she would meet him at the restaurant.

"Oh, god, Josh, I don't want to," she whines, pouting at him. "We can just study with Aiden tonight."

"No, Aiden and I will study without you," he corrects her.

"Whatever," Davina grumbles and turns on the TV. Her eyes widen when she sees that there had been a few deaths near campus in the past week.

"Woah," Josh murmurs as he stares at the news as well. "Damn, is there a psychotic killer in town or something?"

"Josh, this is Whitmore," Davina reminds him. "They were probably just accidents or something."

"Bodies drained of blood," Josh exclaims and points at the screen. "Do you know what that means?"

"Uh, animal attacks? I swear, if you say vampires, then I'm going to shun you for the week."

"Vampires," Josh whispers dramatically, wiggling his fingers.

Davina rolls her eyes and hits Josh over the head with a pillow. "You're an idiot, and I have to wonder sometimes how you got yourself a boyfriend."

"The same way you're gonna get one—by going on a date," he smirks. Davina smacks him with the pillow once again before leaving the room.


Davina's locked herself in the janitor's closet, which she typically does when she wants to inconspicuously practice her magic. She flips through her grimoire and finds a spell that would be easy enough to do in a closet.

Since she didn't have any feathers, Davina takes a box of tissues and scatters a few on the ground. She then closes her eyes and murmurs the spell under her breath. The tissues begin floating in the air, and when Davina opens her eyes, she grins with pride. Usually, her powers didn't work the way she wanted them to and everything went wrong.

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