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Harry pulled me into his arms. He held me for quite a long time. I didnt hug him back. Instead, my arms lay limp at my sides. Heck yeah, I wanted to squeeze him tightly. I missed him more than anyone, anything, but I wasn't going to let myself ruin everything I had to do to forget him, when it obviously wasnt hard for him. He let go of me and I just stared at the ground. "God Sydney, I missed you so much! I cant believe you're here!" He was rambling. He seemed so happy. I just stared at the floor. "Sydney?" He said looking at me carefully now. He placed his hand under my chin and lifted my head to meet his eyes. I knew he saw the tears in my eyes now. "Sydney? Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned voice. "No Harry, im not." I said stepping back, so he was no longer touching me. "Whats wrong?" He asked confused. Everyone else in the room was just sitting there staring at us. I knew they had no idea what was going on. "You cant just act like this Harry." I said weakly. "Act like what?" He asked, still confused. "You hug me and pretend like you didn't." Harry looked deeply into my eyes now. "What? I didnt what?" He said. "You didn't just abandon me!" I blurted out, then all the tears came streaming down my face. "But Sy-" He said reaching for my hand. I jerked my hand back and said "No Harry" and then ran out before he could answer. I had no idea where I was going, but really, I didnt care. I just needed to get out of there. I looked around and ran inside a janitors closet. I kept the lights off and just cried. I cant believe he acted like nothing happened. How could he? Did he know how much I cried over him? Day and night! Non-stop! I sat there crying for what seemed like forever, when the door creaked open and the light turned on. "Hey, there you are!" said Liam. "Hold on, im going to get Tori." He said. I quickly reached up and grabbed his hand. "Please dont" I said softly. He looked at me with a calming look in his eye. He nodded and sat down beside me. "So, what was that all about?" He asked. My lip quivered and then I said "Me and Harry were bestfriends" He kept looking at me sweetly, I continued. "We were inseparable. We told each other everything. I was there when he tried out for X Factor. He was everything to me and when he left, he just forgot about me." I barley got the last part out. I started crying all over again. Liam put his arm around me and hugged me tightly. "Sh." He cooed. "Im sorry" I said. "For what?" He asked. "For ranting." I said. He laughed and hugged me again. "Harry never mentioned you but for the first couple weeks at the beginning. He was always on the phone with someone but I don't know what happened, he just stopped. Was that you?" He asked politely. I nodded and sniffled. "Im sorry Sydney." He said. I laughed, "Hey, I thought I was pretzel girl huh?" I nudged him in the side. "Okay pretzel girl." He said teasing me. "You ready to go?" He asked. "Not yet." I said. He didnt answer me, just wrapped his arms around me again. The door opened again and this time Niall popped his little blonde head in. "Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?" He said. "No." I said. "Okay." He said coming in and closing the door behind him.
He sat down on the other side of me. "Im going to go tell everyone that your okay." Liam said getting up and leaving. "Are you okay?" Niall asked. He looked so concerned. "I dont know Niall." He just hugged me and told me that whatever it was, he would make sure that I was okay. "Lets go." Niall said standing up and sticking his hand out for me. I took it, he put his arm around me and we headed back to where everyone was. As soon as I came into the room Tori ran up to me and threw her arms around me. "Im so glad your okay!" She said. I let go and smiled at her and nodded. I looked at Harry who was standing in front of me. He took a step towards me and said "Sydney, can we talk?" He said. Everyone was waiting for my answer. I turned towards Tori and grabbed her arm "I think its time to go." I said and started walking towards the door. I walked over to Niall and Liam before we left and said "Thank guys."

I was walking really fast with Tori jogging behind me. "Sydney, Sydney wait." She said stepping in front of me. "You need to tell me whats going on." I just stepped around her and hopped in the car. She quickly got into the passenger seat and just stared at me the whole ride back to the hotel. I got into the hotel room and changed into some comfy pjs. I sat on my bed and turned on the tv. Tori came over, took the remote and turned the tv off. "What?" I said turning towards her. "Please tell me whats going on?" She said looking hurt. I told her the whole story. "Why didnt you tell me?" She asked.  "Because-" She cut me off "Because you didnt trust me?" She snapped. The tears formed in my eyes. I was now angry. "No. It's because I already lost one best friend and I didn't want my other one to treat me any differently." I spat at her and ran out of the room. I was going to sit in the lobby and cool off. I decided to take the stairs, to blow off steam. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I heard screaming. There was tons of girl in the lobby and outside the hotel. "What?" I muttered to myself. I slipped into the pool room and sat in there for a bit. Then I got hungry. I was going to go to the resturant in the hotel, which was on the second floor. I pressed the button for the elevator and waited until I heard a ding. The door opened and I saw a familiar blonde head. Niall's face lit up when he saw me. "Hey, what are you doing here blondie?" I asked as I entered the elevator. "This is the hotel that me and the boys are staying in." "Oh." I said thinking about Harry. "Where you going?" He asked. "Resturant, you?" "Me too, want to join me?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled widely. We ate like half the food in the hotel and I told niall my story. We really connected. After we ate, Niall asked if I wanted to come back to his room and watch a movie or something. He said that he was sharing a room with Louis and that Harry would not be there. I said okay and went with him. His room was across the hall from mine. I walked into his room and sat on the bed. It turned out that we had the same favorite movie. Grease. We got halfway through that when Tori and Louis walked into the room. "Hey Niall. Oh and Sydney." Louis said. Tori looked at me and came running over. "Sydney, I couldn't find you. I looked all over the hotel, you scared me to death!" "Sorry I lost my temper. I just didnt want you to treat me any differently." I said looking at her in the eye. "No, I was insensitive, im sorry." She said hugging me tightly. "Awe, isnt that cute." Louis said to Niall. Niall laughed. We all sat on the beds and played monopoly. I looked at Niall and he started to yawn. I elbowed Tori and she looked at Niall and nodded. "Hey, we are going to go and get some sleep." "Are you sure?" Louis asked. Tori nodded and got off the bed. She hugged Louis and walked out the door. I got off the bed, hugged them both. "Hey, maybe, you want to hangout tomorrow? Maybe you could show me around?" Niall asked. "Uh, I don't htink id be a good tour guide, im not from here." I said smiling. "Perfect, we can get lost together." He said laughing and smiling. I laughed with him and nodded before leaving. I turned around to see Harry walking by. "Sydney?" he asked. "Yeah." I said in a small voice. "Before you run away again, just let me please say how sorry I am." "Sorry doesnt always cut it Styles." I said and started to walk away again, but he caught my wrist. I turned to face him, which was a huge mistake. I got sucked into his beautiful eyes. "What?" I said coldly. "Can we please talk about this?" He asked. "Tomorrow I guess, but im really tired, okay?" I said. "Okay, this your room?" He asked. I nodded and turned away. I walked into my room and took a deep breath. I saw Tori sitting on her bed talkiing to Mel and Eva. I sat down beside her. "Oh hun! I heard what happened, are you okay?" Eva asked. I nodded. "Im getting tired, can we call you guys tomorrow?" I asked. They nodded and said goodnight. Me and Tori talked about me and Harry and everything that happened tonight. I finally said "So you and Louis eh?" She blushed. "I ran into him when searching for you and he asked if I needed some help. He said he would get Niall to help us look so we went back to the room and there you were." "I think he likes you!" I said laughing. "Naw." She said laughing too. "Well, I think you should talk to him more tomorrow!" I said. "What about you?" She asked. "Well, me and Niall are searching the city, Harry wants to talk to me and I still need to talk to Colby. I haven't talked to him since he left and its our last full day. We leave on Monday morning." i said. She nodded and cuddled into her bed and I fell fast asleep.

You Only Want Me When Im Taken : Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now