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So, as I said, three years later;

I am now in high school living in Canada. Why did we move here? Because my grandmother died and my family thought it would be better if we could all be together. I surely wasnt happy about the move. It was the first time since Harry that I had cried. I cried for day on end. Me, Eva and Mel had a sleepover, the night before I left. We pulled an all nighter, but it wasnt like our regular sleepovers, we stayed up all night crying and holding each other. I still talked to Eva and Mel almost every day. Mel now had her license and I'm really happy that I didn't have to drive on Cheshire roads anymore, knowing that she was driving on them too, but I was so proud of her. I had gotten my license a couple months ago. Eva had a boyfriend and they were pretty serious now. His name is Adam and they have been dating for about a year and a half. Adam was a sweet and genuine guy. I was so happy for them. I made sure I kept in touch with them because I knew how it felt to be forgotten and I wasn't going to let that happen to my bestfriends.

I still have brown eyes but I dyed my hair to a deep chocolate brown, I grew a bit in height and I have glasses now. I have a boyfriend too. His name is, Colby and he is a year older than me. He is going into grade twelve and Im going into grade eleven. Colby had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He is the captain of the schools hockey team. Me and Colby have been together for just about five months now. Colby is sweet and funny and he makes me feel comfortable. He is the first boy to make me feel this way since Harry.

My bestfriend here, is a tall, pretty girl named Tori. She is amazing. We do everything together. I met her two years ago and we have been the best of friends ever since. There is only one fault to her. She is in love with One Direction. That is Harry's band. I never told her about me and Harry because I knew she would freak. She thought it was really cool that I was from Cheshire. She was a total Directioner. At least that's what I think they call themselves. Whenever we hung out, I always insisted it be at my house because I could hardly stand being in her room. She had pictures of the boys all over. Seeing Harry was hard. It was even more hard to know that was he happy without me.

"Ew, no PDA please." Tori said covering her eyes. "Fine!" I said as I pulled away from Colbys lips. Me, Tori and Colby were all sitting in my basement watching tv. Then there was a commercial that made me roll my eyes. All I heard was "Baby you light up my world like nobody else!" and that was just from Tori. I couldn't hear the tv over her singing. She was really good when she tried but she loved to goof around with her voice. "Please turn this crap off." I said laughing. Tori took a pillow and smacked me in the face with it. She hugged the tv and said "You dont know good music when you hear it, do you?" I just shook my head and then leaned against Colby. That was the only song I knew from them. "Hey, I got to go, coach wants us well rested for camp." He said. His whole team was going away for a month. They were going to a hockey camp, 'only for the best' Colby always told me. "Okay hunny. Call me tomorrow before you leave" I said smiling. I leaned over and kissed him. He tried to go further with the kiss but I knew that Tori would go ape on me. I pulled away and got off his lap. "See you." He said waving as he jogged up the stairs. "So, you know my birthday is coming up soon. What are you getting me?" Tori asked jokingly. I truly hadnt really thought about it. "I don't know. Maybe socks?" I said. She just looked at me and rolled her eyes. "I dont know but I'll think of something." "It better be good. The seventeenth birthday for a girl is one of her best birthdays of her life!" I laughed when she said that. So dramatic. "Yeah yeah." I said waving her off. Then my laptop started beeping. I ran over and picked it up. When I opened it, I saw two beautiful smiling girls staring back at me. "Hey girl." Mel said. "Hey." I said. "Hi Tori." Eva said waving at Tori. Tori smiled and waved back. "So, hows your dumb jock doing?" Mel asked. Mel didnt really like Colby, but in his defense, she didnt even know him. Just being stereotypical. "Hes good, going away to hockey camp for a month, thanks for asking." I said sticking my tounge out at her. "Dont be hard on the girl, just because you havent found your snuggle bunny yet." Tori said laughing. Me and Eva burst out laughing "Snuggle bunny?" I said looking at Tori. "Its all I got" She said giggling. "Hey, I can find a man if I want, but I am an independant women." Mel started. "Yeah yeah, we know the speech, you dont need a man to be happy yadda yadda yadda." I said. Mel rolled her eyes. "So, tomorrow nights the Summer Carnival. Im so excited!" Eva said smiling. The Summer Carnival, was a carnival on the boardwalk at the beach every year. It was so fun. I still remember the year before harry left, me and Harry were walking on the boardwalk when he randomly thought it would be funny to push me off, but that backfired. He forgot about my fast reflexes so when he pushed me, I grabbed him and pulled him into the water too. That was fun explaining to Anne why we were soaking wet. I snapped back to reality with a sad smile on my face. "Hope you guys have fun. We gotta go. I have to go shopping for something for Tori's birthday." I said. "Oh yeah thats coming up soon. We will have to send you something." Eva said happily. "Thanks, but you dont need to." Tori said smiling. "Bye girls." I said. "Call me later. "I added. We all said goodbye and I shut my laptop. "Now you need to shoo. I have to get you a present and I only have a few days left until your 'big day.'" I said putting air quotes around the words, big day. She laughed as she went upstairs and walked home. I opened up my laptop and looked around online. There was lots of nice stuff but I didn't see anything, Tori. Until. I stopped scrolling when I saw "Two tickets to One Direction in Toronto- 07/07/12 - First deck." That was in three days. I hovered over the button for a few minutes. I knew I was going to regret this. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and clicked 'buy'

You Only Want Me When Im Taken : Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now