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*Sydney's POV*

I ran out the door and ran down the hallways looking for Tori. Where did she go? "Tori!" I screamed running up and down the halls. "Excuse me miss, may I ask what your doing?" Asked someone who worked at the hotel. "Um, I lost my friend and I am looking for her" I answered. "Well, can you do it more quietly and no running in the hotel thanks." And then he walked away. After about half an hour I decided I would go back to the room and try her cell phone. I walked back to the room to find Harry and Niall crashed on the bed. I smiled at the sight. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Tori's number about a dozen times. I sent her a ton of texts but of corse she wouldnt answer me. I texted louis and told him I couldn't find her. He told me that he would go looking. I sat down on the floor in the corner of the room and put my head inbetween my knees and cried. Then I heard something move. It was Niall getting up. "Hey, Sydney is that you?" He asked rubbing his eyes and walking over to me. I didnt lift my head. I just kept crying. He sat down beside me and touched knee. "You want to talk?" I still didnt move. "Okay, lets go for a walk." Niall said. He grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door. I didnt like walking outside at night time because I always felt like someone was watching me. I grabbed onto Niall's arm and we walked down the street. "So, you want to tell me whatsup?" He asked looking at me. "I cant find Tori." I said snifling. He stopped at a bench and sat down. I sat beside him. "So? I bet shes fine." He tried to reasure me. "No, you dont understand. " "Then make me understand, start from the beginning." Niall said. I nodded. "When you told me that Louis wanted to room to himself and Tori I thought." He nodded. "And I needed to talk to her. I had to make sure not to get pressured by anything. I went in there and wanted to talk to one of them. When I got in there I didn't see Tori, just Louis so I told him to be careful and he told me he was just asking her to be his girlfriend and then I was so happy so I kissed his cheek. That is it and when I was kissing his cheek, Tori walked in and I guess thought something more of it and she ran out the door. I was looking for her for a long time but I cant find her and its all my fault. What if something happens to her." I whispered the last part. I broke down and Niall held me. "You go back to bed with Harry, I will get the guys and we will go looking. Just stay with Harry okay?" He said. I nodded. He walked me back to the hotel and I went into the room. "Hey, I was wondering where you and Niall went." He said yawning. "It's late, lets go back to bed okay?" I said trying to smile. Niall and the boys would take care of it. I took off my coat and jumped into bed with Harry. He smiled. "Hey whats wrong? Your eyes look bloodshot." He looked worried. "Its okay, just come here." I said. He came closer and I cuddled into him. We fell asleep instantly.

I awoke the next morning remembering everything that happened. I bolted straight up. "Hey whats wrong?" Harry said in a cute morning voice. I giggled. "Nothing." I said. I grabbed my phone and called Louis. "Is she okay? Did you find her!" I was frantic. "Hey, what?" Harry said grabbing my arm. I pulled away and told him to shut up. "Yeah we found her but she doesnt want to talk to either of us. Shes staying with Liam and Zayn." He explained. I hung up the phone and jumped out of bed. "Woah, where do you think your going?" He asked grabbing my waist and trying to pull me back down to the bed. "One moment, I promise I will be right back." I said and kissed his cheek before leaving. I opened Liam and Zayn's hotel door and I saw Tori laying on Liam's bed and Liam on the ground. Tori sat up and saw me. She pulled the covers over her head and said "Go away, I don't ever want to see you." I rolled my eyes and ripped the covers off. I grabbed her arm and dragged her into the bathroom. I locked the door and stood in front of it. "Let me out now." She said trying to get the door knob. I stopped her. "Listen to me! It wasn't what it looked like!" "Yeah thats what everyone says!" She said sitting on the edge of the tub. "I mean it, let me explain please!" I said sitting beside her. "When Niall told me Louis wanted the room for just you and him I thought." Her eyes went wide! "No! Sydney im not stupid! I would never! He just asked me to be his girlfriend!" "I know that now but I didn't. So I went in there to talk to Louis or you and when I just saw Louis I told him. He said that he was only asking you to be his girlfriend and I got so happy that you werent making the biggest mistake of your life that I kissed his cheek! It doesnt mean anything!" I rushed it all into one breath. I was breathing heavy and was out of breath. She laughed and hugged me. "I should've known you wouldn't do something like that!" "So we're okay?" I asked. She nodded. "Now, lets get out of here!" I said. I opened the bathroom door and we went back to our rooms. Im guessing her and Louis made up. Harry was watching TV. "We have a meet and greet today." He said. "Oh. I cant believe we only have a few days left." I said. He nodded and pulled me onto the bed. "Im going to miss you when you leave. Maybe I can come visit! I miss momma Rothesay." I laughed "I miss Anne, hows she doing?" I asked. "Good, normal." I nodded. We watched some more tv and then he got up to get ready. Me and Tori just watched tv all day. When they got back it was really late and they were all tired. So again, they went straight to sleep. Another day gone.

Now it was the last day we were in Toronto. Actually the last day we were all in toronto. The boys were really busy all week. Management kept them on there feet. We were all packed up and getting ready to leave. We were outside beside my car. "Wow, it was great seeing you again and this time I can honestly say it will not be the last time! I'll call you tomorrow!" Harry said hugging me. "I'll miss you so much." I said. I messed up his hair and kissed his cheek. I hopped in the car while Louis and Tori said there goodbyes. "Ill miss you, call me when you get home." Louis said and they kissed. She smiled and hopped in the car. "Hey Niall, you'd be a great therapist." I winked and then we were off. Tori looked so depressed. She kept staring out her window and looking at her cell phone. I knew she missed Louis. I knew I was going to miss harry too. We kept silent the rest of the ride home.

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