Chapter 1

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A dark cloaked figure crosses the room towards a frightened girl. With a start I realize that that girl is me. The figure flips back its hood and I scream. The figure resembles my mother very closely. In fact I am almost certain that this lady is my mother. But she has sharper features and could be considered even more beautiful than the mother I loved. The lady's lips pull back in a sneer, revealing 2 dozen shiny perfect teeth. She reaches towards me while singing my lullaby, all the while with that ugly yet beautiful sneer on her face.

I wake with a start, realizing that it was just a dream. But it seemed so real. So vivid. It must have been one of those dreams again. With a blink I notice that the curtains are already drawn and a new gown is lying at the foot of my bed. My eyes take in my small chamber; I have slept, dressed, and thought out my problems in this room for as long as I remembered. It held some sort of sentimental value. I could picture the layout of my room with my eyes closed if I wanted...light lavender fabric draped over the structure of my bed, a rice paper screen tucked in the corner next to my mahogany dresser full of gowns of every color, off white curtains that hung over my long windows that have a lovely view that stretches as far as the eye can see across the lands of Camelot. It's been a few centuries since King Arthur's time and they have taken their toll.

I come back to the present and I am suddenly aware of a pair of eyes watching me anxiously. I sit and I meet the eyes of my worried servant, Morgan. When she sees that I am awake she bustles to my side and tries to drag me out of bed. "I know I'm the future queen, Morgan, but I think I can manage to get out of bed myself," I laugh softly.

"My apologies, m'lady but a young page arrived just a few minutes ago and said that your presence was required immediately at the Great Hall. I didn't want to wake you before because it looked as though you were having a nightmare and myths say it is very bad if you wake someone up while they are having a nightmare so I decided to let you be. But now of course we must hurry," she mumbled. I smiled.

"Thank you Morgan. And of course your right, we must certainly hurry. Fetch one of my dresses out of the wardrobe while I run a brush through my hair." Out of the corner of my eye I saw her open her mouth to protest. "I appreciate your worry, dear, but we really don't have time to be fussy. Besides I am capable of making myself presentable so don't you worry," I assured her.

She came back from the wardrobe with my favorite purple dress. I smiled slightly. She seemed to be trying to make amends for not being able to make me look extraordinary for the court. I satisfied myself with just running a brush through my long flouncy brown hair. I opened my jewelry box and rooted around inside for a small golden locket. I wore it everyday no matter what the occasion was. It was a gift from my mother and I have had it ever since I could remember. Its value has highly increased, at least in my eyes, since she disappeared a few years ago. I quickly slip it on and glide out of the room without another word.

The Great Hall was silent. From knights to pages and apprentices the room was full to the brim. But all of them were staring at the one figure sitting on the gold and jewel encrusted throne. A smaller throne was set next to him, both on a raised platform and the only point of color in the drab room. His gaze was smoldering like a dragons flame, his eyes eerie and gray. A ruby hilt and a gem covered sheath sat by his side. Many people were eyeing it suspiciously. Anyone who's seen more than a few winters knows how well he can use it.

I watched all of this through a crack in the big double doors that led into the hall. I wonder what is going on. I take a deep breath and push open the huge double doors with a great amount of bravado. The only sound heard in the quite room is the clicking of my shoes against the ice cold stone floor.

I seat myself gingerly down on the smaller throne, poising at the edge of the seat and smiling encouragingly at the crowd. Very unlike the king who was slouched all the way back in the throne glowering at anyone who dared meet his stare.

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