Chapter 13

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I'm at a loss for words as Behman stands there yelling at me. His words sting, cutting deep. The tears begin to well up again, but before I can say anything he storms out into the rain. I make a move to stand up, ready to dart out into the storm and apologize. A strong hand wraps around my wrist pulling me back down a bit to hard and I land on my butt with a thud.

"Sorry," Mortimer mutters. I get my feet underneath me and make a run for the cave entrance. I large sigh erupts from behind me. I only get a couple of feet before I'm grabbed by my waist. I struggle but Mortimer holds me in place. He swings me over his shoulder and starts walking back to the fire. I pound my fists on his lower back.

"Put me down," I growl. "I mean it, Mortimer. I hate to use magic on you but I might have no choice."

He suddenly let's go and I tumble to the cave floor with a squeal. I manage not to land on my face, I don't know how I managed that feat, but I didn't escape a skinned knee or two. I glared up at him.

"Why is it that I always end up on the ground when your around?" I muttered. He ignores me and turns back to the fire muttering to himself. I only manage to catch snippits of it.

"Excuse me, Mortimer, I didn't quite catch that. Could you speak up," I say sweetly, knowing his words weren't meant for me to hear.

So you can imagine how surprised I was when he faced me and glared. "I said maybe it wouldn't keep happening if you learned your lesson the first time and didn't keep putting yourself in danger," he yelled. I shrank back in surprise before looking him in the eye.

"Don't forget your the one who wanted to come along," I grated out. We had a staring war before Mortimer finally caved in with a sigh.

"Look, I'm sorry Kendra. But it is my job to protect you," he met my eyes filled with confusion and held up a hand as I opened my mouth to ask the question we both knew was coming. "Another time," he promised.

"Come on. He will return soon. Give him some time to cool down," Mortimer says motioning at me to sit. I cast one longing glance out into the forest before complying and sitting with a sigh.


It's been 4 hours and Behman still isn't back. It's a understatement to say I was panicking, more like having a freaking heart attack. The time must have just gotten away from him. I laugh dryly. Yeah right, you've been telling yourself that for the past hour, a little voice whispers. I shake my head to try to dislodge that little voice from my head.

"Mortimer..." I start for the millionth time.

"Yes Kendra?" He sighed.

"I think that maybe we should go out and look for him," I choke out waiting for Mortimer to return the statement with another not now.

"I think so too," he says, grabbing his jacket and walking out into the rain. I was so shocked I couldn't move. I sat there like an idiot with my mouth hanging open.

"Aren't you coming," he chuckles. I pop up and scramble after him out into the rain. Holy cow it's cold out here. My teeth start chattering as I'm instantly soaked by the onslaught of rain. I don't know how we are going to find Behman in this, I can barely see my own hand in front of my face. Nevertheless, I follow Mortimer into the forest.

What if we can't find him? Or worse, what if we do find him and he's dead. Tears flow down my face mixing with the streaks of rain. I continue to stumble along behind Mortimer, occasionally tripping over branches or sometimes even flat ground. Mortimer manages to catch me each time (knock on wood).

It's getting even darker and we haven't seen anything that will give us a clue to where Behman might be.

"We have to get back, Kendra," Mortimer whispers, suddenly right next to me. I glance around in desperation, determined to find something that will lead me to Behman.

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