Chapter 6

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About a million questions swirled around in my head but time was not to be wasted so I slipped a small knife out of my boot. Fortunately, the guard wasn't very thorough in his check for weapons. I stepped on the cot and hoisted my self up into the rafters, settling for the wait. Kendra huddled in the corner farthest away from the door. Even from up hear I could hear her quick breathing and I willed her with my mind to calm down. As if she heard my thoughts, she immediately slowed her breathing. There was defiantly something strange about this girl.

I made eye contact with her and gave her a small nod of encouragement. The sound of heavy metal boots echoed down the passage as one guard turned the corner. Ha, easy work.

The guard shuffled to the door and pulled out a giant ring of keys. After a few agonizing minutes he finally found the right key and, with a grunt of triumph, inserted it into the lock. The door swung open with a loud creak and he sauntered inside without a backwards glance. Amateurs, I thought with a smirk.

I dropped down from the rafters without a sound and swung the door shut. The guard whipped around just in time to get a fist in the face from me. Before I could stab him with the knife the princess smacks him across the back of the head with her high heel shoe, knocking him out cold.

"I didn't see a reason to kill him," she said matter-of-factly. I looked down at him doubtfully. But she had already torn off her draped sleeves, gagged him and began to bind his hands and feet together. At least she had initiative. She then dragged him to the corner and buried him under the straw. She rose of her crouched position and dusted her hands off on her dress. "Well, are you coming or not?" I smiled and we crept out into the hall.


We made it to the stable without any difficulty. But that was the easy part. I peered around the corner of a small hut to observe the activity around the stable. Alone I could easily walk across the open space between us and the stables easily. No one knew me as the one who stole water. The "trial", if it can even be called that, was completely private. However, since the princess was the most recognizable face in all of Camelot, other than the king, that was an impossible undertaking.

"I'm just going to be a big pain in the butt, aren't I?" she whispered from behind me. I jumped and again marveled at how it was almost as if she could read my mind.

"No you won't. We'll just have to wing it and see where that gets us," I whispered back, feeling guilty because that was exactly what I had been thinking. She bit her lip looking troubled. "'Kay, all you have to do is look like you belong here. Do you think you can do that?" I pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She sucked in a deep breath and nodded. "Good. Now let's get this party started." I loosened my sword in its sheath and stepped out from behind the wall. I took a few large strides across the bustling clearing, looking relatively bored. I snuck a glance behind me and saw that Kendra gliding across behind me. She was playing the part perfectly. A swell of pride rose inside me. A small smile was barley visible on the corners of her perfect lips.

When I finally reached the stable, I strode confidently over to one of the stalls and pulled out a ragged bay that wouldn't be missed. Luckily, he was already saddled. The princess walked in and went immediately over to her horses stall. I hesitated and then moved to stand behind her. "Excuse me your highness. Can I help you with anything?" She turned around in surprise. Please, please play along.

"No thank you. You're very kind, sir but I'll just have one of the stable hands do it for me," she answered flawlessly without pause.

"Okay then. Good day to you then ma'am." As I turned to go, I literally screamed the thought meet me in the woods by the gate. She nodded in understanding. I almost passed out right there. I can't believe that worked. I shook my head in disbelief and mounted. I trotted out and heard her call for a stable hand.


If you asked me how long it's been I would only say one thing. Too long. So many things could have happened. My feet hurt from pacing and my neck is cramped from craning it around corners. It is a strange feeling. I've never had to worry about anyone but myself.

I climb up the nearest tree and scan the horizon for any sign of the princess. All I see is a flock of geese soaring by. O god, she probably didn't make it out. Now I'm completely screwed. I rake a hand through my bangs, already composing a plan. I slide down the trunk and turn towards my horse when all of a sudden the world goes black. I can feel a small warm hand on my face and covering my eyes while the other trails softly down my back.

"Guess who?" a whisper as gentle as a breeze tickles the back of my neck. I freeze and after a few seconds whip out my arm, hook her around the waist and spin her around until her chest is pressed against mine. She lets out a squeal of delight. We stand like that for a couple minutes with her face against my chest and my chin resting on the top of her head breathing in her sweet scent.

I pull away first. "'Kay now that we're all here we should get a move on. Our presence will most certainly be missed." She nods her head and yawns as she stumbles over to her horse. "Uh-uh," I say gripping her upper arms and turning her around. "You'll be riding with me. I can't ride and worry about you falling asleep on me at the same time."

I swing her up onto my bay mare and tether her horses bridle to the pommel of my saddle and then swing up behind her. Holding the reins in one hand, I wrap the other arm around her waist, pulling her against me and click to the horses, setting off at a brisk canter. The wind blows Kendra's hair out behind her and the smell of lavender soon fills my nose. I sigh deeply enjoying the moment.

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