Chapter 8

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"H-h-how does it know your name," I stuttered. A deep chuckle came from within the cowl.

"Because," it said as it flipped back it's hood, "I am her fiancé." I gasped in horror and surprise. Horror that Kendra hadn't told me this and surprise at what stood before me. A handsome man dressed in all black with long black hair, brown eyes, and stubble covering his face strode over to Kendra and ran the back of his hand down the side of her face. She shuddered but didn't move away.

I drew my sword and started toward the demon now fondling the girl I loved. He looked amused. And strangely bored. "You know I would love to stay and chat but I've got some business to attend to. So I'll just be taking my fiancé and be leaving"

I gripped the hilt of my sword harder and started forward. "You won't be going anywhere with her," I growled.

"How brave," he snickered. "Unfortunately you have bigger things to worry about at the moment." He motioned with his hand and I immediately ducked as a crossbow bolt flew inches away from my hair. I jumped up and focused on this new threat. I would not go down without a fight.

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