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Namjoon was pacing around in his room as he nervously thought of every outcome that this conversation could bring but his mind was mostly thinking about negative outcomes and that freaked him out a lot more.

As he was about to sit down and scream his lungs out, a knock was heard he took a deep breath and walked toward the door.

Slowly he opened the door and it revealed jimin and taehyung standing side by side they looked extremely nervous. He cleared his throat and with a gesture of a hand, he invited them in letting them get comfortable on the sofa.

Not long after another knock was heard and there stood the others. they walked in and namjoon closed the door behind them.


Everyone was sat on the sofa except namjoon who was sitting on the table in front of everyone with his hand under his face as his index and middle finger softly tapped his lips.

His eyes roamed around each one of them. they sat like that for who knows how long until one of them got tired and spoke.

"I'm tired of sitting here can you please tell us why you called us in the middle of the night to your room.?" Taehyung said as he looked at namjoon.

"I..uh." He tried speaking but only stuttered.

Taehyung rubbed his face with his hand and got up from the sofa "if you are not going to speak I'm leaving" he turned around to leave the room but namjoon was fast enough to catch him and pull him back. taehyungs back was against namjoons chest, the boy's heart skipped a beat and he froze in his place. Namjoon tightened his hold on taehyungs hand

"Please don't leave..." he whispered in taehyungs ear. The others looked at them, waiting for something to happen.

Taehyungs eyes widen as he could hear the pain through those words "not again..." he let go of taehyungs hand and circled his arms around the boy's waist and hugged him, letting his head rest on taehyung's shoulder.

"Please..." he whispered. Taehyung lips trembled the boy but his lips before he pulled namjoon's hands away from his waist.

Tears left namjoon's eyes as he thought that taehyung was going to leave but he was surprised when the boy turned around and engulfed the leader in a bone-crushing hug.

The others' eyes were glossy looking at the view.

"I...I love you tae" Namjoon Finally said to the redhead.

"I do too namjoon Hyung" taehyung whispered back to Reassure the purple head's tensed body. That finally relaxed in his hold.

Taehyung pulled away from the hug and smiled as he was met with namjoon's beautiful smile that showed his dimple.

Namjoon kissed taehyung forehead and turned toward the others who were sat right there looking at the two.

The leader snaked an arm around taehyungs waist and pulled him closer.

"What I just said.." namjoon cleared his throat and continued "I mean what I said to taehyungs  right now is the reason why  I've called you all tonight"

None of the other members spoke so namjoon decided to continue "I know we've all been uncomfortable, we all have been going through some things and from that, I mean realizing our feelings" he looked into each of their eyes and smiled "and I'm finally going to agree with my heart and go with the flow, I love you all and I'm not weirded out or going to be uncomfortable anymore since being far away from all of you for this long has me going crazy"

Jimin chuckled at namjoon's talk he got up and walked toward taehyung who opened his arms to welcome the boy.

He snuggled in taehyungs arms making the others coo at his behaviour.

And that night being the most tearful, joyful ever to the boys, they would never forget, finally, they stepped out of their uncomfortable zone and opened up to what they longed for the most.

Love... love for their band members...

Who can now finally call each other their boyfriends?

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