Deux ❣️

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Namjoon stretches as he walked out of his shared room, and yawned loudly as he sat down in the dining room, he was the last one to wake up as the others were all ready to settle and silently eating their food, yes silently they were not happy nor cheerful as they show to be in front of the audience.

No, they barely spoke with each other when they were not watched by the eyes of thousands of people. Some wished that they were happy in private as they showed to others outside of their dorm. But wishes were rarely granted and this was one of them.

Namjoon glances at each of their gloomy faces before he sighed and dug into his breakfast made by Jin.

As they were done and ready to walk away from each other the doorbell rang, Jin got up and walked toward the door and opened it, he bowed down to greet their manager before letting him in and closing the door.

The other calmly walked into the living room and sat as soon as their manager told them to.

He looked at them and smiled softly before he put down an envelope on the coffee table. The boys confusedly looked at the envelope, none approaching to take a look at it.

"You guys are going on vacation" their manager started making their eyes go wide "you really need a break look at you, you all look dead and weren't like this before" he hesitantly spoke.

The boys averted their eyes around the room trying not to look at each other the manager sighed once again and passed a hand through his silky black hair before getting up "get ready you guys are leaving tomorrow"

"Where are we going?" Finally one dared to speak and that being Yoongi, the manager turned around to look at him before he smirked "oh you guys will love it....just open that damn envelope and see for yourself"

And he left with no other word leaving the boys to stare at the envelope before the leader finally decided to open it instead of directly telling the boys where they were going. He just opened the letter, read it and left it there.

The boys one by one looked at it, not wanting to talk to each other they didn't read out loud.

Finally, Jungkook being the last one to see it whispered to himself all excitedly "we are going to bora bora!" He squealed happily as he was alone in the living room so he could let his excitement fill the room.


Each one of them had packed and were ready to go; they were waiting for their manager to come to pick them up.

As soon as the manager got to their dorm he got out of the van and with the help of the driver they placed everything in the trunk and he ushered them inside the van so they could leave.

No word was spoken as they sat there waiting for their destination, as soon they arrived at the airport they pulled out their glasses and mask to cover their faces since no one knew they were leaving they didn't want to be seen

They were going through check out when they noticed their manager wasn't in the line, they frowned and he smiled at them "I'm not coming with you guys have fun" he waved at them as they passed through the gate.

Now it was much quieter without the manager to at least keep some sound around them by talking.

Even if people that surrounded them were chatting away it was like dead silence for them. They awkwardly sat waiting to be called so they could board the plane.

Once they had settled in their seats, Yoongi fell asleep avoiding any type of conversation with any of them,taehyung started to watch a movie, Jin ordered some food to keep himself busy,namjoon was reading a book, jimin was trying to fall asleep too, Jungkook was searching what to watch and finally Hoseok, the boy was lost in his own thoughts about how they had come to this being their everyday life.

They were not like this before not at all. They were really cheerful and talkative with each other when this started; avoiding each other at all cost not saying a single word if it wasn't something important, it started a year ago to Hoseok's knowledge.

And at first when one by one they started to ignore him when he talked to them, he felt like quitting and leaving or better dying it was that hard when the people you spend your entire day with won't talk to you not even a 'hi'

At first, it disturbed him a lot but when he realized something he wished he never did he wished it would have stayed in the back of his mind, so he could ignore those feelings easily but when they hit him hard he couldn't back away at all.

He decided to follow the other boys' footsteps and stopped talking to them, just like they did.

It was hard when those feelings would pester him to just come clean and tell them but he had tried hard to keep his mouth shut this whole year he wouldn't, he would never say those words out loud.

He felt disgusted with himself. He felt like a freak for having those feelings. It just disturbed him a lot, he wished he could turn back time to how they were before he wished.

But wishes were rarely granted and he knew this one wouldn't be a reality anytime soon.

All those thoughts made him so tired that he fell asleep, his head fell on jungkook's shoulder, the boy was startled at first but when he looked at his hyung's face he sighed he prayed whatever that is going on would change, he was getting tired, he looked around to spot his hyungs were falling asleep or emerged in their movies he quickly pecked hoseoks head and turned back to his film. 

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