Trois ❣️

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They finally arrived at their destination and their manager had already settled everything, a man was waiting at the airport to pick the boys up and lead them toward the island of bora bora, they walked out with their suitcase in hand side by side but no words were exchanged at all.


As they got to the island a man gave them the keys to their rooms. They each got a room. Finally, they wouldn't have a roommate.

But their manager had booked the rooms that were close to each other.

The boys left for their bungalows to unpack and settle down.

The first night was pretty quiet on their side and it was the same for their first day, Hoseok was really getting tired of not talking to any of them so he decided that he would talk and he would do it tonight but with who?

As he sat on his bungalow with his feet in the water he looked around to see Jin laying down on his own bungalow listening to music and looking as beautiful as always.

He decided he would talk to jin. The night finally fell and the boring day was over, he walked toward Jin's room and knocked on the door.

Jin opened the door only in shorts with no t-shirt and a towel hanging around his neck, when he saw that it was Hoseok he felt extremely awkward not knowing what to say but Hoseok took the lead and spoke, "Hyung..can I come in?" Jin only nodded. It's been a while since he heard his sunshine's voice and he almost cried.

He swallowed hard as he moved to the side letting Hoseok in, the boy walked in and awkwardly stood in the middle of the room he looked around before settling his eyes on jin he smiled a painful smile, Jin walked toward him and stood in front of him but with a big of the distance between them.

"What is it?" he whispered, not making eye contact with the raven head.

"I-I just want to talk about....about something" Hoseok stuttered out his words. The blonde nodded his head.

"Hyung-....." Hoseok closed his eyes trying to find the right words to say, "what's happening?" He whispered as tears started to pile up in his eyes

" How did we get here?....." he took shaky breaths trying to compose himself. "Please Let's go back to how we used to be..." he begged the older as Finally, his tears decided to leave his eyes and travel down his pink-ish cheeks. He sniffed.

Jin's eyes were wide. He didn't know what to do so he did what crossed his mind. He rushed to the younger and engulfed him in his arms. He tightened his hold on the boy as his body shook when he tried to muffle his cries.

"Shhh..." Jin whispered in his ear as he softly rubbed his back.

"Hyung...I can't do this anymore!..I-i love you Hyung I love you so much" Jin was utterly shocked his hand stopped rubbing comfortable circles on the younger's back.

Hoseok got out of his hyung's arms and tried to make a run for the door he knew the reaction he got he couldn't bear to see the disgust his hyungs eyes would hold for him from now on, he reached the door and was about to open it when Jin snapped out of his thoughts and catches hoseok's hand pulling him back toward himself, he back hugged the raven one arm around his neck and the other around his waist to keep him in place.

"Listen to me.." he whispered in his ear "calm down.." Jin put his head on hoseok's shoulder and sighed "I love you too Hoseok, gosh I should have spoken way back when I realized my feelings for you but I was a coward.."

He took a break letting what he said to sink into hoseok's brain " I'm sorry baby...I love you so much, please don't leave me" Hoseok Finally stopped crying his hiccups were subsiding, and his body stopped shaking, he took ahold of Jin's arm that was around his neck and pulled it down so he could turn around and look at his blonde Hyung in the eyes.

He looked at Jin with tears falling down his cheeks, Jin wiped his tears and cupped his face. He pulled hoseok's face closer and he pecked the boys' lips ever so softly and pulled away smiling.

Hoseok opened his eyes and looked at Jin. He pulled his hyungs back toward himself and kissed him much more passionately. he had been waiting for this to happen for a year he wouldn't let go of his hyung with just a peck, would he?

Jin wrapped his arms around hoseok's waist and pulled him toward himself more their bodies were connected in a way that even air couldn't pass through them without some struggle.

The raven's hand flew to Jin's blonde locks, as he deepened the kiss more now using his tongue.

Jin pulled away first trying to catch his breath a string of saliva was connecting their lips before The blonde licked his lips and broke it he put his forehead against hoseoks and sighed in the content he closed his eyes and Hoseok followed as he closed his own and wrapped his arms much more strongly around Jin's neck afraid that if he let go all of this would vanish away leaving him with yet another wish that didn't come true.

Jin pulled away and took Hoseok's hand and led him toward his bed. They both got under the duvet and Hoseok curled beside jin as he draped his arm around Jin's stomach.

Jin kissed Hoseok forehead and closed his eyes about to sleep when the younger spoke once again.

Hoseok looked at jin in the eyes as he mustered the courage to say what was circling his mind bugging him to an extreme.

"Hyung...the others..?" He prayed that the words he had said his blonde hyung would catch on and understand what he meant.

Jin sighed and pulled Hoseok closer and he hugged him "I know.. and I do" he whispered making Hoseok sigh in relief.

"Good night hyung"

"Good night love" 

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