Six ❣️

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Yoongi who had been mostly sleeping and lounging around inside his bungalow finally decided to step out and admire the beautiful view he had been missing, he decided to go out and eat in the restaurant that was available on the island since he had been ordering room service since they had reached Bora bora.

He got ready and finally stepped out to be truthful the Hyung was missing his members a lot especially his dongsae's oh how he missed those silly boys he smiled at the thought but it soon disappeared as he remembered the day he got ignored by all of them.

That day was not a good day and after a while, he had caught onto what was going on and he was uncomfortable with himself, to be honest.

He sighed as he walked slowly toward his destination. As he entered the restaurant and was assigned a table he sat down and started playing on his phone until the door opened again and he heard familiar voices his head lifted instantly as he watched hoseok and Jin holding hands as they talked to the waiter.

Without knowing it his eyes got glossy at the view and he bit his lip hard enough to bleed he got up and walked toward the entrance Jin saw him as he passed by them to leave.

He wiped his eyes he hadn't eaten and here goes his good mood becoming a bitch to him.

He ruffled his own hair in frustration as he walked at a fast pace to reach his bungalow and sleep because sleeping takes away everything he just wanted to be in another world at the moment so sleep was the best option.

Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder making the Hyung stop walking. He didn't move as he heard panting behind him.

The person behind him took a moment before turning yoongi's body so they were facing each other.

"Jin...." Yoongi whispered, it felt so good to say his name that Yoongi felt like crying, and he did as tears slid down his pale cheeks.

Jin's eyes widen and he instantly pulled the boy in his arms, the mint head didn't protest as he tightened his arms around Jin's waist.

Jin didn't say anything he just kept his fingers tangled in his soft mint hair trying to soothe the boy as his cries turned into hiccups.

"Let's go to my room" Jin whispered as he saw many passers look at them confusingly, some with disgust, and some just minded their own business.

Yoongi didn't reply but let himself be dragged by Jin to his room.

When Jin opened the door to his bungalow Hoseok and jungkook were inside already watching tv.

When Jin had left to catch up with Yoongi Hoseok had asked to come with him but the older had denied so he went to Jungkook and they ended up in Jin's bungalow just in case the older Came back with Yoongi they could talk to him.

Jin made Yoongi sit on the couch in the middle of Jungkook And Hoseok who looked at the older with sad eyes, Yoongi sniffed as he tried to stop his cries.

Not being able to hold himself back Hoseok wrapped his arms around the older crying frame and tried to hush him "please stop crying Hyung" when Hyung didn't listen to him the
Raven took a hold of the boy's face he placed his hands on each side of yoongi's face and lifted it so that they were eye level Hoseok looked at Yoongi and wiped his tears with his thumbs as he approached his face closer to yoongi's and finally pecked the olders plum lips.

That made Yoongi stop crying as his eyes widen yet when Hoseok pulled away he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Awnnnnn" they heard behind them as Yoongi turned around he saw Jungkook with his hands on his heart as his lips held a soft smile.

Yoongi's cheeks turned a little rosy as he was surrounded by the boys " oh my god come here Yoongi" Jin squealed as he wrapped his arms around the blushing boy.

Jungkook joined in the hug and Hoseok chuckled before wrapping his arms around them.

Yoongi looked at Jungkook and without thinking he kissed the youngers lips who in return kissed his nose.


Namjoon was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands this trip was all planned by his manager he just knew why would they send them off like that.

His suspension was confirmed when he had talked to his manager who in the end told him the whole truth so now he has to tell the others.

He has to, he cannot keep it like this, or else his manager and the whole team will be disappointed in him.

He sighed as he ruffled his own hair in frustration before he fell on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while before he reached out for his phone and hesitantly he opened the group chat that hadn't been used for a while now he started sweating as he typed in his message he even erased it multiple times as he was debating whether or not he was ready for it.

He typed in the message once more and looked at it for a couple of minutes as his finger was just above the button 'send' He closed his eyes and took a deep breath the message wasn't anything big but it was to him and he was scared of the outcome.

He kept his eyes closed as he pressed send and when he opened his eyes it was done.

He threw his phone beside himself as he fell asleep.


The boys were sitting in Jin's room after the Big talk and suddenly all of their phones rang at the same time it was a message they looked at the message and then at each other.

"Meet me in my room, everyone.....we need to talk"

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