Huit ❣️

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As the ray of the sun slipped through the curtains the boy groaned as the warm lights caressed his face he turned around to hide away from the light but was met with a hard thing that being someone else body, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the person sleeping next to him a smile took place on his lips as he looked at the boy who was sleeping peacefully with an arm draped around the boy's waist.

Jimin lifted his hand and traced the boy's face, and then Caressed his cheek softly.

The other started to wake up making jimin's smile wider.

When the boy opened his eyes a smile took over his face as he chuckled at the boy who was staring at him.

"Morning jimmy" Jimin giggled as he wrapped his arms around the other's neck and rested his head on his chest.

"Morning dada" he whispered, the older frowned and sighed softly "baby...we should tell the others shouldn't we?" Jimin looked at the other with wide eyes, the boy took Jimin's face in his hands and bobbed his nose against jimin's "they deserve to know"


Hoseok sighed as he looked around the room bored, his eyes landed on Yoongi who was writing in his notebook.

Ideas for new songs as he told him earlier.

Everyone had left to swim in the water and have fun with sea animals but Hoseok being scared of anything new to him told them he'll pass and stay in his room by that he meant in yoongi's.

Yoongi told them that he had some ideas he didn't want to lose so he decided to stay in his room write and eat and listen to Hoseok sigh and groan as he was bored.

"Yoongii~" Hoseok whined As he got up from his place and walked toward Yoongi who was sat on the bed, the older hummed as he continued writing, Hoseok groaned as he snatched the book from yoongi's hands and sat on his lap, he straddled the boy who looked at him with wide eyes.

"What are you doing Hoseok?" He questioned as he followed hoseoks moves as he bent a little to reach the nightstand to put the notebook on it.

Hoseok pouted as he sat back straight on the boys' lap and wrapped his arms around yoongi's neck "give me some attention" he whispered as he laid his head on yoongi's shoulder.

The older sighed and wrapped his arms around hoseoks waist and pulled him closer so their chest was touching each other to the point where there was no gap in between them.

"What do you want baby ?" He asked as he caresses the boys back.

Hoseok smiled and looked at Yoongi in the eyes "make love to me..." he whispered as he approached his face closer to yoongi's the older smirked as his hand reached the boys' ass and he slapped him hard enough to make it pleasurable and not painful.

Yoongi's right hand caressed where he had just slapped the boy as the other hand made its way toward hoseoks nape and pulled his into a kiss that started slow but soon got much more steamy as they started to give each other open mouth kisses, Hoseok tightened his arms around yoongi's neck and pulled him closer, Yoongi sucked on hoseoks tongue making the younger moan. The older swiftly changed their position from sitting to laying down having the boy pinned under him.

He took both of hoseok's hands and put them over his head as he continued to kiss the younger he slowly left his lips and started kissing his jaw down to his neck where he started to suck on the warm skin creating his art that would shine later on.

Hoseok whined a little wanting every piece of clothing off since it was in the way, Yoongi chuckled at the raven head.

Yoongi took off his and hoseok's shirt and went back to kissing the boy's neck and sliding down and caught his nipple between his teeth hoseok's back arched as he sat there his hand tangled in the mint hair pulling on them when yoongi's tongue licked his nipple.

The mint head let go of hoseoks chest and slid down right in front of the boys' crotch, he looked back up at hoseoks face only to find him exhaling fast as his cheeks held a light blush Yoongi smiled before hooking his fingers around hoseoks pants and quickly slid them off along with his boxers.

Hoseoks moaned and whined at the sudden cold air that hit his warm body his hand found its way to his mouth and he bit on it to muffle his moans.

Yoongi took off his jeans and undergarments before he got on the bed again he slid between the boys' legs supported by his arms, he kissed the boys forehead before he took hold of hoseoks hand "Don't bite your hand let me hear your voice baby" he kissed the teeth marks that Hoseok left on his own hand.

Yoongi kisses hoseoks thighs before biting them, he slipped two fingers inside hoseoks mouth and the boy understood immediately as he started to coat the olders fingers with his saliva.

Once Yoongi thought it was enough he took out his fingers from hoseoks mouth that were connect with a string on saliva before it broke, the mint head made the boy lay down as he positioned his fingers close to hoseok's hole, he kissed the boy to distract him from the pain that was about to come, as he kissed Hoseok he slid his finger inside, the raven head moaned in pain and pleasure, he held onto yoongi's shoulder creating marks with his nails when the pain or even the pleasure would be too much for the boy, soon one finger became two, Yoongi scissored the boy before pulling out his fingers leading them back to hoseoks mouth letting the boy taste himself that action made Hoseok whine and moan and Yoongi groaned as he felt impatient now he wanted to feel the warmth of hoseok's walls agains his groin so badly that he quickly aligned himself With Hoseok he took the younger's hand and intertwined his own with the boy silently telling him to squeeze his hand if the pain was too much to handle, he kissed on top of hoseok's damped forehead before he slowly slid into the boy,Yoongi entered with a swift motion making Hoseok scream loudly, "going.....slow would be more painful" he whispered in hoseoks ear as he waited for the boy to adjust to this brand new feeling and size.

Hoseok nodded his hand after a while letting Yoongi know he could move and he did slowly before picking up his pace hoseoks hands were around yoongi's neck once more, one hand in his hair entangled as the other held on to his shoulder when the pleasure would be too much Hoseok would pull Yoongi closer and start kissing him roughly.

"Omg! Ah~" Hoseok moaned as he felt that he was closer to his release, "close~" he whined Yoongi moaned and replied with a 'me too' in a whisper, Yoongi started going faster, so fast that you could hear the bed making noises at this point, Hoseok moaned loudly as he Came in between both of them his entire chest covered in Cum, Yoongi groaned as he Came inside the boy.

Yoongi trusted a few more times after cumming and slowly pulled out he fell beside Hoseok who was breathing fast he looked at the raven head and he looked back at the older as they both breathed quickly trying to catch their breath Hoseok smiled at Yoongi and the mint head smiled back before chuckling he pulled Hoseok close to him not caring about the sweat or cum he hugged to boy tightly as they both fell asleep too tired from their activity.

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