Cinq ❣️

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Taehyung stretched his tired limbs as he walked out of his bungalow yes the night had fallen and everyone had gone to sleep but he wanted to drink so he decided to go to the bar that was located not far from where he was.

He walked there taking his time to admire the beauty of the night sky and the light that is emitted on the water making it look magical.
He sighed as the scene in front of him calmed him and it relieved him from his stress that he had been going through for a year now.

Taehyung entered the surprisingly calm bar he looked around seeing that there weren't many people tonight as his eyes roamed the place his eyes landed on a mop of grey hair that reminded him of someone.

He took small steps toward the counter and he was right the mop of grey hair belonged to jimin and he looked drunk, off to his limits.

As he still demanded more from the bartender. taehyung shook his head and sat down beside jimin taking the shot that the bartender was giving to jimin.

"Hey! That's mine.." he hiccuped through his words as he turned to look at taehyung, the boy rolled his eyes at his drunk friend, at least now he could talk to him like he used to before he started to hide away from the older when his feelings had punched him hard. making it awkward for him to be like he used to be with his so-called best friends.

"Jimin..." the boy whispered, "oh hi tae!" Jimin waves his tiny hand in front of taehyung's face.

"Tae-tae...take me back to the room " Jimin pouted as he got up from his stool and got between taehyungs legs making the youngers cheeks heat up.

Taehyung didn't reply as he was still in shock. Jimin put his arms around taehyungs neck and hid his face on the crock of the boy's neck "pwease" he talked in a baby voice making taehyung realize something he had forgotten about and he was extremely angry with himself he had left his friends side because of his stupid feelings leaving his friend to take care of himself and his little self.

Taehyung mentally slapped himself how could he have forgotten something so important his friend jimin was a little.....and he had been helping him before his goddamn feelings made him lose his mind.

Taehyungs hand instantly found their way to Jimin's waist he pulled the older more into himself letting him snuggle,jimin was about to sleep when taehyung lightly tapped his thigh Jimin's drunk self-understood and jumped taehyung held him in his arms and got up from his stool with jimin in his arms.

He forgot about the drinks he wanted to have as his mind was filled with jimin at the moment. He had mentally noted to get on his knees and ask for forgiveness.

And finally, man up and tell the older the truth.

As taehyung laid jimin on his bed the grey head woke up he looked at taehyung with watery eyes.

"What happened baby why you crying?" Taehyung got on the bed and pulled jimin closer to him and stroked his hair.

" left me..." and he started crying loudly as taehyung tried to calm the boy down.

Taehyung held the now sleeping boy, he had fallen asleep after crying a lot of taehyungs head landed on top of jimin's as he drew circles on the olders back.

"I'm sorry jimin...but I promise to make it up to you" he fell asleep holding the grey-haired boy close to him.

Jimin's hand found it's way toward his face as he rubbed his eyes, he tried to open his eyes but the sun that was penetrating through the curtains made him do the opposite he shut his eyes tightly trying to avoid the light he turned his back to the window his eyes were closed but he felt something beside him something hard he tried to open his eyes again but a bad headache made him cry.

"Jimin!" A panicked voice sounded right in front of the grey head "my head..." he whined as he grips his hair in a fist.

A hand was placed on his fist and softly removed the tight grip on his hair he opened his eyes and was met with taehyung who was looking at him with a knowing look.

"Who told you to drink?" He shook his head and sighed, he fixed Jimin's hair "stay in bed I'll get you some medicine" and he walked off not letting jimin ask him how he had gotten here and why was the boy talking to him as they hadn't ignored each other for at least a year.

He closed his eyes as the pain Came once again and decided to question the said boy later when he felt better.

Taehyung came back soon with medicine and a glass of water helping the grey head sit up on the bed, when jimin extended his hand to get the medicine taehyung shook his head and placed the pills against the boys plump lips "open" and he did with no arguments taehyung passed him the glass of water and when he was done placed it on the side table.

Jimin kept looking at taehyung, when taehyung caught him staring the boy decided it was time so he got up from the bed and got on his knees Jimin's eyes widen when he saw taehyung hold his hands together as he lowered his head down in shame "please forgive me jimin for the way I had been behaving for the past year and now I wanna tell you why..." before he could continue Jimin's tiny hand was placed on his hands "get up tae" and he did he sat on the bed as he held Jimin's hand he started to open up to the boy.

"I feel like we all are behaving like this for the same reason" taehyung spoke after a while "we like each other in a way others may find disgusting, different and against nature"

"But I no longer can keep on hiding after I saw what I had been doing..." a tear slipped from taehyungs eyes "I left you to deal with your problems on your own and can't imagine what Jiminie had been through after I started ignoring you" Jimin smiled a sad smile before he got closer and sat on taehyung's lap and wrapped his arms around taehyungs neck "I missed you dada..." taehyungs eyes widen jimin had slipped into little space and he realized he said 'jiminie' oh how the boy loved to be called jiminie that he would fall into little space in no time.

Taehyung hugged the boy tightly and let out everything he had been keeping inside for a damn year. 


A/n: I'm sorry for the late-ish update but I've been busy a lot with many things first my job then I'm starting school in less than 3ish days and one big damn thing I had been struggling with some things.

I CAME OUT...Let's not make a fuss just to myself though I don't think I'll be able to come out to my parents anytime soon.

But your dumb author is bi 🤭😫 finally I can say it.

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