Quatre ❣️

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Morning Came and Hoseok woke up feeling all giddy inside as his eyes landed on his beloved hyung he internally sighed, happy that what happened last night wasn't a dream.

He stretched and moaned in relief as his body relaxed. He turned toward Jin to see him peacefully sleeping with his blonde hair across his eyes, mouth slightly opened as he breathed evenly, an arm under his own head as the other arm was on which Hoseok had slept on.

Hoseok gingerly pushes away the blonde locks from Jin's eyes and bends down to leave a peck on the older's cheek before deciding to get up and leave for his own bungalow to take a shower and change his clothes.

He one last time kiss the older actually scratch that he stayed for at least five minutes leaving pecks on the olders face one on his forehead then one on each eye then both of his cheeks his cute nose and finally he was about to kiss the oldest lips when suddenly a hand grabbed his neck and pushed him forward smacking their lips together.

Hoseok's eyes were wide open as he was shocked by the sudden action and soon jin opened his eyes and smiled into the kiss.

They pulled away and he kissed hoseok's forehead, "beautiful way of waking someone up baby" Jin stretched and sat on the bed.

Hoseok blushed "couldn't resist after one peck..." he shyly admitted.

Jin chuckled, "Hyung I'm gonna go to my room to change" the blonde nodded his head and Hoseok got out of bed and left for his bungalow.


Jungkook was outside doing some exercises when he caught Hoseok leaving Jin's bungalow that made him stumble and he fell backward on his butt.

He easily understood that one of them got the courage to speak looking at it, it was probably Hoseok he thought so he decided he would talk to Hoseok hyung.

He walked toward Hoseok's bungalow taking deep breaths trying to compose himself and have the courage to speak without running away.

He stood in front of the door and knocked on it with a shaky hand.

It took a while but finally, the door opened,hoseok's eyes went wide when he saw Jungkook in front of his door but quickly smiled at the younger letting him inside the room.

Jungkook was scared he didn't know what to say, he was fidgeting with his hands as he looked around the room. It was the same as his own but this one carried Hoseok's smell.

And it surprisingly made him relax somehow. hoseok looked at him and he knew what Jungkook was here but there was one thing he wasn't sure of so he didn't make a move.

Jungkook sat down on the sofa followed by Hoseok who sat on the arm of the couch.

"Jungkook-ah, you really don't need to be afraid to talk you know.." Hoseok decided to speak since the boy looked like he would faint if he was the first one to talk.

Jungkook nodded his head quickly. the raven sighed and got up he bent down on the floor right in front of Jungkook took his hands in his own.

"Kookie.... you no longer need to keep restraining yourself from talking to me...or even Jin hyung" Hoseok smiled when Jungkook's eyes widen "I'm sure he'll appreciate it when you start talking to him too"

Jungkook nodded his head once again and was debating on whether he should or shouldn't say what he really wanted to but decided against it smiling at his hyung he got up from the couch.

"I'll leave for now hyung, you can go take your shower" the younger chuckled making Hoseok look at his body he had a towel on his shoulder his shorts were actually lower than they should have been showing his brief's his cheeks turned a shade of pink making Jungkook laugh out loud.

Hoseok looked at Jungkook with a smile on his face. It's been so long since he heard the boy's beautiful voice and laughter. Without thinking hoseok's body moved closer to the younger who was still laughing.

He put his hand on Jungkook's cheeks startling the boy who now stopped laughing his fingers caressed the boy's soft cheek before his hand slid down toward his chin with his thumb and index finger Hoseok tilted the boys head upwards.

Not waiting for a second Hoseok pecked Jungkook's lips he pulled away with a shocked face catching onto what he just did.

He retracted "I'm sorry Jungkook," he said and turned around and ran toward the bathroom leaving the boy startled and stuck in his place.

The ginger head's hand flew to his mouth his fingers touching his lips that still held the touch of hoseok's lips on his making the boy smile slightly he walked outside of the bungalow as he walked still dazed about what just happened his body collided with another one he looked at the person and his smile disappeared.

Namjoon looked at him surprised, the purple head swallowed hard as he tried to talk with the boy slightly hurt that he was the reason that the ginger head's smile disappeared.

"Jungkook" The leader whispered, Jungkook looked at him confused waiting for the older to speak.

Namjoon's hand landed on the younger's head making him flinch, he fixed the boy's hair and tapped his cheek lightly "smile" he said Jungkook frowned not quite understanding the older "you look stunning with a smile" Namjoon explained.

Jungkook blushes because of the oldest words before a small appeared on his lips. namjoon smiled showing his dimple to the younger without thinking Namjoon bent down and kissed the ginger head's forehead.

"Good boy" he whispered and left walking to where he was heading before he had collided with the younger.

Namjoon ruffled his own hair in frustration "I should man up and tell them" he sighed once again.

Jungkook walked back to his bungalow and sat down on his bed he took his pillow and placed it on his lap before placing it on his face as he screamed his lungs out with all the emotions that had built-in when Hoseok and namjoon kissed him, he had to let them out anyway and he did it by screaming. 

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