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taehyung was sitting in his bungalow facing the big glass door that led to his small balcony over the water, he sat there observing the world outside the scenery was really beautiful and peaceful it made the boy sigh in the content he took a hold of his glass and took a sip of the drink that was poured in it previously.

Taehyung got up with the glass in hand and walked toward the porch he opened the door that slid easily and walked outside his bungalow that had a perfect view of another bungalow that surprisingly belongs to Jungkook.

The said boy was doing his morning or let's call it afternoon exercise taehyung smiled fondly at the view until something else caught his eye.

The bungalow right beside Jungkook belongs to a woman and that said woman was looking at his Jungkook.

Taehyung frowned and went back inside left his glass on the table harshly and walked out of his room walking quickly toward jungkooks room he went inside without knocking and walked toward the boy's porch.

He slid outside and ignoring the women, he back hugged the muscleman. Jungkook halted his movement being suddenly engulfed in a back hug startled him.

Taehyung loosens his grip and from the side, he could see the woman with a confused look plastered on her face, and she kind of looked angry. Why was she angry?

Jungkook turned around in taehyungs arm to face the man and he smiled his bunny smile making the older fall much deeper for the boy.

"Kookie~" the older spoke in a childish voice making the boy giggle at his hyungs behavior.

"Yes~" he teased back,taehyung smiled and inches closer to the boy's face who was oblivious to the women's stare. Jungkook took a hold of the olders cheeks and pulled him into a kiss.

Taehyung heard the women gasp, he smiled into the kiss before closing his eyes.


Namjoon sat on the stool as he watched Jin walk around the room cleaning his mess that he was really surprised about he was usually very neat and clean and he kind of felt bad for the person who will have to clean his mess for him so he started to do it himself to make himself calm and happy.

But namjoon was huffing and puffing he was getting impatient he wanted to cuddle his Hyung and probably get naughty with the man but all he had been doing was cleaning and ignoring namjoon.

"Jin" the said boy didn't look at namjoon but replied "jin Hyung". What happened to that ?" The boy correct namjoon.

Namjoon sighed and pouted before getting up and walking toward Jin who had his back turned toward the boy as he wiped some dust.

"Ah!" Jin screamed as he was picked up from the ground "joonie!" He exclaimed "I can't wait any longer" namjoon Whispered sulkily As he walked toward the olders bedroom.

He let jin fall on the bed but before he could get up namjoon Straddled the boy and pinned his arms above his head.

"Joon?" Jin asked confused "mm" namjoon hummed as he placed his face on the olders neck he left little pecks on the olders neck making the said boy sigh.

"Fine...what do you want horny bear?" Jin chuckled namjoon looked offended "I'm not a bear" he spoke as he looked at him in the eyes.

Jin rolled his eyes. "But I want you, babe~" namjoon added as he went back to kissing the olders neck.

It was finally the day, the day they would fly back to Korea the boys were excited even if they had fun and finally understood the meaning of why they were sent on vacation all of a sudden. They wanted to get back to work and that excited them a lot going back to their own house.

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