Neuf ❣️

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Jimin chewed his lip as he walks around aimlessly nothing to do at all as his mind was elsewhere, he looked at the beautiful ocean as he sat down letting his feet sink into the water.

It's been two-day jimin came out to everyone well except for taehyung since he knew before, jimin was scared that the others wouldn't like him anymore, that was just negativity that was circling in the back of his mind but everything was fine as soon as the words left his mouth jin cooed at him when he told them and jungkook was really happy that he could act like the older for once making jimin glare at him.

"I'm a little" he whispers the words once again a smile crept on his beautiful plum lips now he wasn't scared or even ashamed to say the words, he could be himself fully with all of them now and he was happy.

As he sat there looking at the horizon as the sun settled, arms draped over the boy's shoulder making him gasp, a chuckle left the olders lips and jimin sighed recognizing the voice.

"Hyung!" He whined Yoongi kissed his cheek and sat beside him "what are you doing out here alone?" Jimin shrugged "bored?" Jimin nodded his head

"Wanna come to hyungs room he'll make your timeless boring..." the younger's cheeks turned pink making Yoongi chuckle at the flustered boy.

"I'll make your night fun baby boy" Yoongi whispered in his ear before biting it. Jimin moaned but tried to keep it as low as possible.

"Hyung~" Jimin looked at Yoongi and the older got up and swept jimin in his arms making him scream, he wrapped his arms around yoongi's neck holding himself closer as he hid his face on his neck since he was blushing because people were looking at them.

Yoongi took the younger to his bungalow, he kicked the door open softly he didn't want to break and end up paying for it, he made a quick turn and closed the door before walking toward the bed he let go of jimin making the boy shriek as he bounced on the bed before laying flat on it and started laughing suddenly.

Making the older smile at him Yoongi jumped on the bed right on top of jimin who was giggling, they stared at each other Yoongi held a soft smile and jimin tried to quiet down his laughter.

"You're so beautiful baby" Yoongi stroke Jimin's cheek as he stared into the boys' pretty eyes. jimin brought his arms upward and tangled them around yoongi's shoulder and smiled, "says Hyung.." Yoongi hummed As he kept stroking the boy's cheeks "will you make my night less boring?" Yoongi raised a brow at the younger who was staring at the mint head with anticipation the olders smile turn into a smirk.

"I will baby" Yoongi whispered as he lowered his head and softly pecked the younger's lips he bit down on the boys bottom lip before he let go of it,jimins eyes were closed as he savored every touch from the older.

Yoongi's left hand traveled down from the younger's cheek to his chin and he took a hold of it between his thumb and index finger he tilted the boy's head upwards and smacked his lips on the other making the little whine.

Jimin's hand took hold of yoongi's shirt and fisted it as he was trying to keep up with the olders kiss.

Yoongi let go of his lips and lowered to kiss the boy's cheek down to his jawline and lowering even more to his neck as his hand took their time to take off the boy's shirt,

Jimin whined at the olders slow pace he wanted to be touched roughly not softly any other day would be okay but today, right now at this moment the boy needed something hard and rough that it would make him moan loudly that the whole bora bora island would hear him being fucked real good.

"Hyung~.." Jimin pushes the olders shoulder making him back away as he straddled the olders lap, he took off his own shirt and followed by taking the olders he was Struggling as he tried to be quick.

Yoongi smirked at the boys' eagerness, jimin swiftly took off his own jeans along with his boxers and tried to open his hyungs pants.

But as he tried to be fast he wasn't able to even open the button that made Yoongi laugh.

"Baby, let me do it" he chuckled and took off his pants. "Daddy, please!" Jimin whines and moaned as he wrapped his arms around the olders neck guiding both to lay on the bed, him underneath his beloved.

"Gladly," Yoongi said, and with no other word slammed into the boy with no prep at all, the boy was being whiny so Yoongi decided to go with the flow and slam into the beautiful ass of his little.

Jimin moaned in pain but along with it he moaned with pleasure he asked for it and he finally got it he tangled his hands in too his hair, and pulled him closer so they could kiss.

Jimin's moans were swallowed by youngie as he kept kissing the younger.

After thrusting for a while yoongi pulled out, a panting jimin looked at him, yoongi laid on the bed "come here" he took Jimin's arm and pulled the boy on top of him.

Jimin understood and guided the olders members inside once again the feeling made them moan.

Jimin bounced as he got closer to his release, when yoongi felt like he was about to come he flipped their position once again and rammed into the boy making him grunt and moan, he bit on his hand as they both got closer to their release.

"I'm comming~ ah!" Jimin moaned and fisted  his own hair with one hand "ah~ hi-!" And he came right there between both of them on his stomach. And yoongi followed suit releasing his load deep inside the boy.

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