Chapter one

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Shuichi fiddled with the bottom of his shirt, looking down as he chewed his own bottom lip.

"Say it again, I didn't hear you!" Kokichi sang, cupping a hand to his ear. He let out a small giggle.

The detective took a deep breath before looking back up to his friend. "Will you be my fake boyfriend?" He repeated, louder than the first time. He couldn't exactly go against Kokichi's request, he did just basically barge into his room & ask something as absurd as this.

Kokichi hummed, sitting down onto his bed before crossing his legs. "Why are you asking this? It's a little weird, even for you!" The short boy teased.

The ravenette sighed in response. "K- I..." He trailed off. Kokichi rolled his eyes, patting a space beside him on the bed. Shuichi sat down. "Kaede asked me out today & I felt bad letting her down. Instead, I panicked & told her I had a boyfriend".

The supreme leader began to laugh. "Why a boyfriend?"

"I recently came out as bisexual. Since- uh" He began to grow nervous again, chewing on his bottom lip. "It would make more sense of me to hide a boyfriend from her than a girlfriend, I guess".

Kokichi nodded. "Aww, I'm so honoured you want me to be your fake boy toy" He giggled. 

Shuichi's cheeks flushed at the name, shooting his head up before shaking it. "N-no! I asked everyone else in our class, even some of the seniors". This was a lie, he had been too worried to ask one of his friends since they were too close to Kaede, perhaps Kokichi could keep the lie going longer than someone else. Kokichi gave him a pout. "I didn't think you would agree". This was clearly a lie, he didn't particularly trust Kokichi. It would be easier to fake date someone like Rantaro or Kaito in all honesty. But there was a small part of him which felt obliged to ask Kokichi.

The purple haired boy leaned towards the other. "That would be super mean of me, Shumai! You're my favourite! I wouldn't turn you away" He sang. Shuichi still, after a year of knowing Kokichi, didn't understand what he meant by 'favourite'. It sounded sketchy.

"So, you'll do it?" The detective asked with a hopeful voice.

Kokichi nodded. "mhm-hm! Would I ever let you down? Name one time!" He sang, winking. Shuichi opened his mouth to recall one of the many times he had been lied to by Kokichi but was interrupted as Kokichi jumped up. "Okay, so to fake this! We need to do that gross PDA stuff like holding hands, kissing cheeks, hugging..." the boy began to ramble, the things he said caused Shuichi to become flustered. "Oh! & we should probably think of a story of how we got together! That's the fun part!" 

The detective nodded in agreement. He assumed Kaede would ask how they got together. "How about something like we told each-" 

"I was hiding from crime stoppers who were after me, the ultimate supreme leader! I hid in your dorm & during that time we had a make out session & we found out we liked each other!" Kokichi interrupted with his story no one would buy. 

Shuichi stared at him before shaking his head, opening his mouth to begin his suggestion once again before getting interrupted once again.

"How about this!" The short boy suggested, before getting into his description. "I challenged you in a game, life or death! It ended up that I ordered you to be honest about your feelings with me & you told me. We had the same feelings, we made out & now we're dating!" He declared, sounding proud of his story. The other didn't really understand why the situation always had to end with them making out, it was strange hearing Kokichi bringing up subjects like that.

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