Chapter 2

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Kokichi lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression. He wondered when Shuichi would break off the act & tell Kaede the truth. He knew the other was terrible at lying or at least couldn't manage for very long. 

He sighed. He wished his crush would feel the same way about him without upholding a facade. He sat upright, running his hands through his hair. He stood up & exited his dark room.

Shuichi sat at his desk, fiddling with a small toy he had found outside. He flinched a little as he heard a knock at the door, pulling him out of his daze. He quickly got up & made his way to the door. He was met with a hug once he pulled it open. 

"She said yes!" Kaede suddenly announced happily, followed by a giggle. 

Shuichi only returned a confused stare before the girl took a step back. 

"Oh, right! I'll explain" She closed the door behind herself, rushing over to Shuichi's bed & taking a seat, an uncontrollable smile on her face. Shuichi followed her, pulling his desk chair in front of her before sitting down.

The boy tilted his head slightly. "What happened?" He quizzed. 

The blonde clasped her hands together, leaning forward a little. "Miu! I asked her out & she said yes! Isn't this great?" She replied, her cheeks visibly pink as she gushed. 

A grin grew on the detective's face, maybe he could reveal the truth sooner than he thought. "That's great, I'm happy for you" He replied. 

Kaede nodded. "I wouldn't have had the courage if your boyfriend didn't  say anything".

"My- oh, about that-" 

"Miu said you two can tag along, it can be a double date!" The girl cut off her friend before he could finish, seeming embarrassed after her outburst. "Sorry, what were you going to say?"

The ravenette stared at her before looking down. "Y-yeah, Kokichi said the same thing" He managed to stutter out, letting out a nervous chuckle. "We'd be happy to tag along". He sunk further into the hole of lies.

Kaede took his hands, her eyes seemed brighter than normal. "Great! I'll text you the plan" She replied before jumping up. "I have to meet her at her lab now, I'll see you later, Shuichi" She gave him a small wave before rushing out his dorm. 

Shuichi planted his face in his hands, letting out a groan once she was gone. After a few minutes, he stood up & left his dorm. He looked up & down the corridor before beginning to walk, aiming for Kokichi's dorm.

Kokichi paced around the empty classroom, there was no one occupying the room other than Rantaro who was previously studying. Rantaro now sat on his table, book almost sliding off, as he listened to his friend ramble. "Do you think he could start liking me?" Kokichi asked after a small moment of silence. 

Rantaro only shrugged in response. "Look, you've had a crush on him for a while now, just tell him". He wasn't wrong, the supreme leader had a crush on the detective since they met. They had been classmates for a year now, the beginning of second year just started a few weeks prior. 

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