Chapter 5

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Kokichi sat at his desk in his room, staring out his window as he watched people walk around. He had nothing he wanted to do in particular. Shuichi had claimed he was busy when he asked to spend time together & he knew Rantaro was most likely spending time with Korekiyo.

He let out a sigh, pushing himself away from his desk & letting his chair spin a little. He wished he had something to do on a day like today. His birthday to be exact. Being alone on his birthday was nothing new but he at least expected a small encounter with someone.

When he heard a knock at his door, he immediately got up, praying it was someone who could cure his boredom. He opened the door, forcing a smile on his face. Kiibo stood there, jumping a little from how quickly the door was answered. "Oh hey Kiiboy, why are you here to harass me?" Kokichi quizzed, cocking his head to the side slightly.

Kiibo rolled his eyes. "We're having a study session in the gym, would you like to come?" He offered, looking off to the side a little.

The supreme leader could tell he was lying but he decided against calling him out on it, he was curious & bored. "Alrighty, lead the way dickless" He teased with a small giggle, closing his door behind him.

"That is robophobic!" Kiibo scolded before starting to walk toward the library.

Kokichi caught up to the other, his hands clasped behind his back. "Don't get so offended, it's true!"

The robot decided to stay silent for the rest of the walk until they reached the destination. He stopped before they opened the door. Kokichi shot him a confused look. "Go ahead, I need to ask... Uh, someone else!" Kiibo insisted before marching off in no direction in particular.

Kokichi watched him, pouting a little as he looked back to the doors. He shrugged, at least it if it was some sort of prank, he could laugh it off. He pushed open the door cautiously, only to be surrounded by darkness. The lights then switched on & a chorus of 'happy birthday' echoed the gym. He took a step in, looking around. "Have you guys lost it or something?" He quizzed, furrowing his eyebrows.

Shuichi walked up to him, giving him a hug which caused his heart rate to speed up. "We planned this surprise party for you" he explained, a smile on his lips as he pulled away.

The shorter boy could swear his heart would explode any moment, his crush had cared enough to throw him a party on his birthday. He had to admit, he was somewhat speechless. He finally managed to push out words after a short moment. "You guys didn't have to go to this trouble. That's a lie, I am the supreme leader of evil, so I should be treated like this everyday" he giggled.

Kiibo soon entered the gym & began talking with Miu. The group talked among each other with Shuichi lingered around Kokichi. He rummaged through his pocket before handing the other something. "Happy birthday, I got you this" He mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed. He knew his choice of gift was somewhat girly but he hoped the shorter boy would like it anyway.

Kokichi hesitated before taking the small box into his hands, staring at it. He then opened it, revealing a necklace with a small panta bottle charm attached. He began to grin, quickly wrapping his arms around the detective. "Aww, thank you my beloved" He cooed, pulling away as he shoved the box into his own pocket. He intended on wearing it after today, but he wouldn't want to get caught wearing it by the others.

He was so focused on Shuichi that he was surprised when Kaito approached, resting his arms around the two boys' shoulders. "We're gonna play truth or dare, the man of honour should join us" Kaito announced, ruffling Kokichi's hair before walking over to the circle forming.

The supreme leader grabbed the detective's hand & dragged him over to the group. "Alright, but I can't promise to be truthful" he sang, crossing his legs once he was on the floor.

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