Chapter 6

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"A group date?" Shuichi repeated after Maki's announcement.

The assassin was now playing with her hair. "That's what I said" she mumbled. "It was Amami's idea".

There were five of them at the cafeteria currently, assisting to take down art work from the previous third years who had left. Rantaro, Kokichi, Shuichi, Maki & Gonta.

"Amami, huh?" Kokichi quietly noted, glancing over to the boy in question. Rantaro simply shrugged, unaware of the sly smile he had on his face which clearly gave away his plans. Kokichi knew Rantaro was possibly sick of the constant venting but didn't want to directly tell Shuichi the supreme leader's feelings. But why would Maki be involved?

"Gonta think that be nice idea!" Gonta chimed in, taking his attention away from the ladder he was holding causing it to wobble slightly.

"G-Gokuhara, careful" Shuichi called down, pressing his hand against the wall in fear he would fall.

Gonta returned his attention to the ladder, fixing his grip on the metal. "Ah! Gonta sorry!" He apologised quickly.

"How about it, Ouma?" Rantaro asked his friend, sending him a quick wink as he playfully hit the canvas he was holding over the shorter boy's head.

Kokichi swiped it away. "Watch it, dipping sauce" he barked in reply, continuing to do nothing. Or as he called it, supervise. "I don't see why not if my beloved Shuichi doesn't mind". He shot the ravenette a cautious look after his sentence, still unsure why Shuichi had been so persistent in avoiding him.

The detective didn't reply until he had passed the last canvas from the wall to Gonta. "I don't see why not" he decided, climbing down the ladder. Once his feet were on the ground, he shot the supreme leader a sheepish smile.

Maki lifted the box as the last painting was placed into it. "Alright, I'll tell Kaito" she announced.

"I see the idiot is cracking open a cold boy" the supreme leader teased, earning a glare from the assassin before she left the room.

Not before she could mumble out "do you want to die?"

Shuichi rocked back & forth, unsure what to do now. He flinched as an arm wrapped around his waist. "I missed spending time with you, you know" Kokichi sang. "You aren't scared of me, are you?" He let out his signature giggle.

Shuichi swallowed hard, almost choking. He was sure he was visibly blushing. "Why would I be scared of you?" He quizzed.

Kokichi remover his arm, making his way in front of the other. "Or could it be I really stole your heart?" He spoke lowly, aiming for only Shuichi to hear him.

"Save the makeout session for another time, guys, I'm locking up" Rantaro announced as Gonta began to turn off the lights.

Kokichi let out an exaggerated huff, marching out the door. Shuichi stayed in place for a few seconds before following behind.

Shuichi stared out the window as he sat on the train, head leaning against his hand. Kaito sat across from him along with Maki. To his left was Kokichi, across from Korekiyo & Rantaro. They had managed to find family seats which included a table, meaning they wouldn't have to split up. Shuichi found comfort in this, he hated how he felt around Kokichi.

"I got an idea!" Kaito suddenly announced, most likely stopping midsentence in his conversation with Maki. "How bout we play wink murders to pass the time".

Shuichi sat up straight, stretching his back as he did. "Sure" he agreed, nodding his head.

Korekiyo lifted his head from Rantaro's shoulder, sitting upright. "I haven't heard of this, please explain".

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