Chapter 3

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Maki sat quietly, eating her lunch. She glared as Kokichi took a seat across from her. "Hey hey, Harumaki" He cooed.

"What do you want, Ouma?" She asked bluntly, sending a glare in his direction.

"Don't be so cold. Do you have a crush on Momota by any chance?" He decided to cut to the chase quickly, he didn't want to waste any time.

However, just as he had expected, Maki didn't react kindly to this. She quickly jumped off her seat & grasped a hand around his throat. "Of course I don't" she argued in a low voice. They gained a few looks from other students.

The supreme leader let out a weak laugh, his face grew paler. "I was just wondering, he told me he likes you too" he managed to say although it came out in a strangled tone.

She decided to release her grip on him, sitting back down. She gave him a hand motion, signalling she wanted him to continue. She knew he would probably lie but she wouldn't be honest if she said she wasn't the least bit curious.

"Just tell him how you feel already!" Kokichi suggested, his voice raspy after being choked.

Maki shook her head. "I don't have feelings toward Kaito" she replied, puffing out her cheeks.

"It's pretty obvious, just get him alone & fess up".

The child caregiver began to play with her hair, leaving the conversation silent for a short while before she stood up & walked away. "Thanks for wasting my time" she muttered, looking back to shoot a glare to the boy.

Kokichi let out a quiet groan, standing up. It was useless, Maki was too stubborn. He would have to somehow convince Kaito to ask her on a date instead, & before he found out about Shuichi's feelings.

Shuichi walked down the hallway as he made his way to his afternoon class. He turned a corner & his eyes brightened as he noticed Kaito. He picked up his walking pace. "Hey, Momota" he greeted, catching up with him.

Kaito began to grin. "Hey Sahara, how's my sidekick doing?" He quizzed in an orotund voice.

The detective could feel his face heat up a little at the action. "I'm alright" he replied, smiling softly.

"Wanna know something weird? Ouma was outside my dorm around lunch time" the astronaut informed, scratching his cheek with his free time.

"Kokichi?" Shuichi furrowed his eyebrows. Was he going to tell him about his crush? As if summoned, Kokichi jumped as he put his hands onto the detective's shoulders, almost knocking him over.

"Good afternoon, Shuichi" he sang, pulling him away from Kaito's embrace.

Kaito scowled a little at the sight of Kokichi, he still didn't fully trust him.

Kokichi could feel the stare on him. If he had been any later, he suspected Shuichi could have told Kaito about his crush. Kokichi had to stall somehow. Without thinking, he took the detective's hand, feeling himself become somewhat calmer although his heart was beating at a rapid pace.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't flirt with my boyfriend" the supreme leader commented, his voice seemed penetrating in a way.

Shuichi's eyes widened. What was he doing? He was completely ruining his chances with Kaito.

"Boyfriend?" Kaito repeated with a shocked expression before beginning to smile. He put a hand on his sidekick's head & began to ruffle his hair. "I'm proud of you! You should've told me sooner". He chuckled happily.

The ravenette felt his heart stop at this. He wanted his crush to at least act jealous.

Kokichi hummed in reply. " We've been dating for almost three months now" he swung his & Shuichi's hands back & forth as they walked.

If I love you, I'm lying (OumaSai)Where stories live. Discover now