"I think it is him." I say, but we're too late. They had already walked away.
"C'mon let's go find him!" Sabrina says pulling me away from the bleachers.
Don't get me wrong I wanted to be away from the student section, but that doesnt mean that I want to run after this mystery man.
We walked around the entire place more than once before we spotted them again. Sabrina and I both were getting pretty tired of looking, so we were both beyond excited when we found them.
"He doesn't have all his friends with him now. This could be good for you." Sabrina says.
I'm more nervous than ever, but I know this is the right thing. I have to at least learn this guy's name.
"Hey." Sabrina says as we walk up to them.
Thank goodness she started this conversation. I dont think I could have.
"Oh hey. I didn't know you guys would be here." He says to us.
"Yeah I could say the same about you." I laugh.
"You know Tyler right?" He asks me pointing to the only guy with him.
"Yeah I think so. You're in my grade right?"
"Yeah I am. Nice to finally meet you." This Tyler kid says to me.
"Yeah you too. Oh and I'm Alison and this is my best friend Sabrina." I say.
"It's nice to officially get to meet you." He laughs.
"Oh definitely." Is all I can think of to say.
"Well we have to go meet up with the rest of our friends so I'll see you around maybe?" He says to me with a smile.
God he is so cute.
"Yeah sure." I have to get better at conversations.
"Alright cool. Right here right here." He says pointing to his cheek.
Does he really want me to...
"Go ahead do it."
So of course I kiss him on the cheek. Nothing major, but hey I gotta live a little.
"Oh by the way I never caught your name." I say after the little kiss.
"Ethan." He smiles again and walks away.
So his name is Ethan. After all these days of wondering who he is, I finally know.
I couldn't be more excited. This night is going much better than I thought it would. I figured this game would be just like any other game, but clearly i was wrong.
Sabrina and I went back to the student section, but I couldn't focus on anything but Ethan. No matter what I tried to think about he kept taking over all my thoughts. I wanted to see him again.
"Sabrina I think we should walk around a little." I say after halftime was over.
"You trying to find your man girl?" Sabrina says with a smirk.
"Ha-Ha very funny." I roll my eyes.
We end up walking around again just for fun. Finding him wasn't my only intention, but it was definitely a reason.
"Do you think he left already?" I ask Sabrina, hoping she helps my out of control thoughts.
"Honestly girl, I think he's here somewhere. We just gotta run into him again."
We ended up finding Aubree, a good friend of mine who is a grade below us. She started walking with us in an attempt to find Ethan.
"I see him." Sabrina says, and I cant help but smile.
"Thats him?" Aubree asks with a look of what seems to be digust.
"Yeah... Why?" I question.
"I dont know I just didnt expect you to be into someone like him."
"Oh..." Is the only thing I can say.
Maybe he's not the type of person I should be trying to go for. If my friends don't approve of the way he looks, they probably aren't going to approve of who he is.

Toxic Beige
Teen FictionIt all started with a simple hello. Who would have thought that one word could change someone's life forever. He probably didn't mean anything by it though. Someone like him could never be with someone like me. It just doesn't happen. It can't happe...