"Sabrina I'm literally freaking out right now." I say frantically into the phone.
"Alison calm down!" Sabrina says to me.
"I can't. Like what if he doesn't respond?"
"Alison HE wanted YOU to text him. Obviously he's going to respond." She says.
"I know, but..."
"Alison take a breath! Instead of freaking out on the phone with me about if he's going to respond or not, check the phone and see if he has yet." She laughs.
Wow I should've thought of that before.
"He responded!" I scream into the phone.
"Whoa girl chill!" Sabrina says, laughing harder.
"Oh my gosh I'm freaking out again Sabrina!"
"What did he say?" She asks.
"Oh I didn't open it yet." I answer.
"ALISON! Open the message!" Sabrina shouts.
"Okay hold on."
Before I opened the message, I had to take a few breaths. I don't know why I was so nervous, but I was. I got even more nervous after I read the message.
"Sabrina..." I say into the phone.
"What did he say?" She asks, getting worried.
"He said 'How do I know this is my babe Alison?' Sabrina what do I say back?"
"Wait he really said that?" She asks.
"Yes! I couldn't lie about this." I laugh.
"That's true. Okay well get off the phone with me, and you'll figure out what to say." She says.
"Okay I'll tell you how this goes!" I say to my best friend.
"You better. Bye!" She says hanging up.
Now I have to figure out what I'm going to say to him.
"Well I typed your English paper for you today." I type.
It's literally the dumbest thing I could have said to him, but that's what I do best.
"Oh that's right you did. Thanks for that by the way." He says.
Finally. This is what I've been waiting for.
"You're welcome. Just a quick question though. Why did you just snatch it from my hand and not say thanks before?"
I know this probably was a little too soon to call him out, but I wanted to know. It's been bugging me all day since it happened.
"Well Haylie's brother was there, and I didn't want him to see me getting my paper from you." He replys.
"Hmm I see. Is there something going on between you two?" I ask curiously.
"Not completely. We used to be really good friends, and then all of a sudden he didn't want to be around any of us anymore. It was weird. Ever since then we've all kept our distance from him."
"That makes sense though. Sorry for asking." I say, so he doesn't think I'm being nosy.
"Oh it's fine. Don't worry about it." He says.
We continued our conversation over text for a little while. A few hours later we were still talking.
"You should Facetime me." He said.
"I guess I could." I respond.
I ended up calling him. Hopefully things aren't awkward.
"Hey!" He said when he answered.

Toxic Beige
Teen FictionIt all started with a simple hello. Who would have thought that one word could change someone's life forever. He probably didn't mean anything by it though. Someone like him could never be with someone like me. It just doesn't happen. It can't happe...