When we got back to the group, I noticed that everything was normal. No one seemed to even notice that Ethan and I were gone. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
My phone started buzzing just then, and I knew what that ment.
"Hello?" I say into the speaker.
"Hi Alison I'm waiting for you guys in the parking lot."
"Okay dad we'll be there shortly." I say hanging up the phone.
"You leaving?" Ethan asks me.
"Unfortunetly. But maybe I'll see you at homecoming tomorrow?"
"Oh no. I don't dance remember."
"Oh that's right. Well then I guess I'll just see you in school on monday." I say giving him a hug.
"See ya." He says as Aubree and I walk away.
Once we were far enough away from them, Aubree finally speaks. "So.. Did you really makeout with him?"
"Actually... Yeah I did." I answer.
"Shut up." She says clearly shocked.
"Yeah I know it's a little crazy but hey I gotta live every once in a while.
"What's a little crazy?" Riley asks coming up to us with Chelsea.
"Nothing major. I just madeout with some junior tonight thats all." I answer.
"You what?!" Riley and Chelsea exclaim at the same time.
"You heard me." I say laughing.
"Oh my gosh Alison I cannot believe you! Was it that guy you and Sabrina were looking for earlier?" Chelsea questions.
"Yeah that's the guy." I answer.
"Wow Alison, you didn't even know his name until tonight, and you madeout with him? That's gross. That's just really gross." Riley says clearly disappointed.
"I was just having some fun. It's not like I took my clothes off guys."
"Might as well have." Chelsea says under her breath, but loud enough for me to hear.
"Well it doesn't really matter what you guys think of it cause it already happened. Nothing is going to change now." I say getting defensive.
"Hey whatever. At the end of the day it's your decision what you want to do with someone. Just be careful please?" Chelsea says lightening up.
"I will be I promise." I say to her meaning it.
"Sabrina you left right before the night got really amazing! Right after you left he pulled me away from everyone, and we madeout a little. God it was incredible."
"Wow you did have a good end to your night. If I was there I wouldn't have let that happen though."
"Why though? I had fun for once."
"Believe Alison I'm glad you had a good time. Everyone needs that in their life. I just don't want you to end up hurt in the end that's all." Sabrina says, making me less defensive.
"I get it. This is why I love you. You're always on my side no matter what." I tell her.
"You know that's true! Now I have to get some sleep, but girl you better tell me everything tomorrow at homecoming."
"You know I will. See ya!" I say.
Right after the call with Sabrina, I decided to call Haylie. I figured maybe she'd be able to tell me anything I needed to know about this guy.

Toxic Beige
Teen FictionIt all started with a simple hello. Who would have thought that one word could change someone's life forever. He probably didn't mean anything by it though. Someone like him could never be with someone like me. It just doesn't happen. It can't happe...