"Okay so here's what I'm thinking. If he sees the two of us together then he can use that as a way to start talking to you." Haylie says to me the next day.
"I like the way you think Haylie. This could really work if we plan it out the right way."
"All we have to do is walk down his hallway at school in the morning. Then he'll see us, and it'll be perfect."
"Okay sounds good. So we'll start this genius plan started tomorrow morning then." I say.
"Yuppp! I'll see ya then bye Alison!" Haylie says hanging up the phone.
The next day at school, Haylie and I attempted to make this brilliant plan work. The problem was that we didn't see him at all. The same thing happened the next two days, and I was starting to get discouraged.
"So much for this plan working." I say.
"Alison it's only been three days give it time. Who knows he may not even be in school." Haylie says in an attempt to cheer me up.
"I guess you're right. Hopefully this works soon though. I have to go to class though. My teacher does not like when we're late." I say walking into the classroom.
My Social Studies teacher is amazing, but Social Studies definitely is not. It's always extremely difficult to stay focused, and today was even worse. I could not stop thinking about Ethan.
Once class was over, I started going to my Business class. I realized right then that it was not a smart idea to only take one study hall. I needed a break.
On my way down, someone caught my eye. Sure enough it was Ethan.
"C'mom let's go this way!" He says pulling me in the opposite direction.
"But my class is right down here." I whine going back the way I was going.
"Alright fine. I'm coming with you." He says following me.
We walk down the steps to my business class. When we got there everyone was staring.
"Bye!" He says heading down another hallway.
"See ya!" I say going into the classroom.
As soon as I sit down, I'm interegated by all my friends.
"Alison was that Ethan?"
"Ethan like from the game?"
"Wow Alison I didn't know you guys were still talking at all."
I chose to ignore them all. It seemed easier than explaining what happened, even though it wasn't much. I just feel like everytime he's around some of my friends are secretely judging me.
The rest of the day was normal. I didn't see Ethan again at all. That was unfortunate for me because it sort of made my day the one time i did get to see him.
I had a plethora of tasks to complete when I got home. The day felt like it was never going to end. That could have also been because I wanted to see Ethan again.
I woke up the next morning excited. I wanted to see if anything eventful would happen with Ethan and I. Even though yesterday wasn't much, I still couldn't wait for today.
I went through the whole day without even seeing him once. I was starting to get a little disappointed.
I was in my study hall at the end of the day with Haylie and Sabrina. Haylie and I decided we were going to go to our lockers. On our way there, Haylie caught me off guard.

Toxic Beige
Подростковая литератураIt all started with a simple hello. Who would have thought that one word could change someone's life forever. He probably didn't mean anything by it though. Someone like him could never be with someone like me. It just doesn't happen. It can't happe...