Chapter One

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Chapter One: Left for Dead


      Death was the right word to describe the new life I was livin' in. It reeked of death, all you could see was death, hear it too. It surrounded us every damn day. I wouldn't let them win, I'm a Dixon, I'm stubborn like that. I looked over to Shane, he hasn't said a word all winter. He only talked once just to say his name.

                 " I never got to thank you. " He said breaking the silence that seemed to overwhelm us.

                  " I couldn't just let ya die, that man stabbed ya. " I looked at him with a smile and he seemed to be looking at my face.

                " Well what's your name sweetheart? I never got that either. " He laughed. His Georgia accent was warm and husky. We continued to walking down the road. Not to many walkers were there but they were far into the forest.

              " I'm Maya Dixon. " I laughed but he seemed to stop laughing.

           " Your related to that ugly piece of shit Merle? " He asked surprised. My eyes widened.

           " How'd ya know that! " I yelled but he hushed me.

          " Him and Daryl were in the same group I was in until the man who stabbed, Rick, handcuffed your brother Merle on a roof down in Atlanta. Merle cut off his arm wasn't seen since. But Daryl he surely is dead. He's still with Rick and Rick doesn't know how to lead. " Shane seemed angry at this Rick man and now so am I. Hearing what happened to your family is terrible.

              " What if they're still alive what do we do? " I needed to know I needed my big brothers.

               " They're dead already. " Shane said as if was nothing.

              " Ya know what Shane, shut the hell up. You have no idea what yer talkin' about. " I yelled again getting some unwanted attention from the walkers. They started stumbling quickly towards us wanting to tear us apart. I got my bow from shoulder and an arrow from my quiver. There was about six of them, enough to handle. Shane took out his bayonet and went to stab one. I quickly shot out an arrow to the farthest one and quickly got another arrow, the arrow soon meeting the walkers skull.

            Shane was a death machine any walker in his path was destroyed immediately. The last walker heading towards Shane but  the knife that was tucked in pocket and I quickly threw the the knife making the walker fall to it's knees and then it was dead. I smirked at Shane and I narrowed his eyes at me.

       " Yup you're definitely a Dixon. " Shane muttered, I couldn't help but smile at those words.

              A few hours and we came off the roads only going to dirt trails. Up ahead was a prison and Shane thought that was a good spot to stay in. When we got to the prison walkers were not inside it. It was cleared inside but outside it was hundreds of walkers. I looked up at Shane and he grabbed my hand and pulled towards the gate. I didn't know what he was doing.

           " What are you doing? " I hissed and he kept his face stone cold. He threw me against the gate and my hand landed on open part that had a wire tying it closed. I quickly untied and turn to see Shane covered in walker blood. He had killed so many. I rushed inside. " Shane let's go. " He turned to me rushed in too. I tied the gate closed again.

         " We did it now let's head up there. " Shane said, smile on his face. We jogged down to a tower but was stopped by two men on the other side of the gate. One was bald black man and other one was white with a trimmed mustache both wearing prison uniform.

           " What are you doing in here? " The mustache man said.

           " I'm Maya and this is Shane, we don't want any trouble. " I looked at them and they both looked at each other.

         " Man, you heard the girl we don't want any trouble. " Shane was losing patience, he was covered in walker blood and we were starving.

          " You need to calm down, Axel go get them. " The other prisoner said and Axel ran up dirt path to the rest of the prison. Shane sat down his back to the fence, facing the walkers.

         " I'm Oscar and we're just getting the leader to let you join. " He looked at me and then Shane. " You two a couple? " Oscar blurted out and I felt my cheeks burning.

           " What kinda question is that? " I spat and sat like Shane.

           " Don't try to get into our personal business man. " Shane said calmly. The man seemed taken back.

        " Sorry didn't mean to. But here comes Rick. " Oscar said straightening from leaning on the fence. Shane tensed up at the name but I put my hand on his shoulder and relaxed a bit. I turned to see this so called Rick and a man behind him, a man with a crossbow.

            I sat back down and waited until their I didn't here them walking. I saw their feet from the side of my eye they opened the gate door and Shane and I shot up to soon feel my body feel cold. Standing there was my older brother, Daryl. I felt angry, happy, sad, and so many other things. I looked at Shane his eyes full of pure anger towards the other man I recognized was the man who stabbed Shane, Rick.

        " YOU LEFT ME FOR DEAD! " Shane and I said unison.



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