Chapter 2 Fight, Flight, Survive

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"Alright we've reached Ilum's orbit, starting descent into the atmosphere." I said making sure everything is operational as we break atmosphere. I turn on the flaps to slow us down, activate the thrusters and come in for a smooth landing in front of a cave. I take off the disguise and put my armor on. "Ready?" I ask turning back to Rose. "Yes I am." She replies. I nod and smile as I put my helmet on and leave my DC-17m but bring the pistol. "Ready Rose?" I ask as I walk to the docking lift. She nods and gets into the lift. I stand next to her as I push the button sending us both up. "This planet is known for snow storms." Rose said as she looked in all directions not being able to see anything. "How are we going to find the cave now?" I ask as she hopped of the ship and onto the ground. "Just follow me Brig. I'll show you the way." She replied as I hop down and follow her. She walked through the blizzard as her white hooded cloak nearly concealed her whole body. I pushed through as snow started to fall harder making me lose sight Rose. I felt the chill of the snow and wind freeze in between the gaps of my armor. I continue to stumble through the snow. I look around not knowing which direction was I going and where I came from. The blizzard slowly comes to a stop as I collapse onto my knees. Before I fall I see Rose standing in front of the cave with her back facing towards me. The area around her suddenly changes to a cliff but rapidly changes back to her in front of the cave. "Rose?" I ask as I tried to stand up. "Ah there you are." Rose turned around with a warm smile. She offers a hand as I take it. She helps me too my feet as I feel warm aura comes of her body. "Ready to get your Kyber Crystal?" Rose asked. I nod and look into the dark cave that lay in front of us. 'Did I have a vision?' I ask myself as I step into the cave. "Before you go, this is where I stay and wait for you to get a Kyber Crystal. It's by the Jedi Order that it be this way." She said lowering her head as I turn back to her. I lift her head up, "Don't be sad I'll be back in a bit with the crystal." I said hopefully cheering her up. She looks up with a smile, "Well, it's time you go." She suggested, I take a deep breath and walk inside as the darkness surrounds me.

Tapping the side of my helmet I activate the night vision mode as I go deeper. Looking to the left then the right I see the steal grey walls. I look forward seeing light at the other side of the cave's corridor. I tap the side of my helmet turning off the night vision. I walk as I can feel the force getting stronger and stronger as I neared closer to the light. Reaching the source of the light I look around. 'Am I in a Jedi Temple?' I thought looking at the walls of the Jedi temple. In front is a giant door way with a blue circle at the top, in the center of the door lies a frozen waterfall and stairs that lead to it. Looking straight up I spot a giant crystal connected to a curved beam that hold a smaller one. I sit on the ice stump and criss cross my legs. I close my eyes and relax my mind as I begin to meditate. I lift my right arm and reach the sky and open a closed window the snow was facing. Sunlight fills the rooms as I slowly turn the curved beam to a line the smaller one with the bigger one. As sunlight shines through the crystal it reflects and hits the smaller one hitting the circle and melting the frozen waterfall. Water rushes down as I open my eyes and stand up. I face the door way as the ice is gone. "This is where it all starts." I walk up the stairs and take off my backpack. I step into the smaller doorway that was beneath the ice. I walked in and found a cave in on the right and a clear path on the left. I follow the path as I came to another fork with four different roads I look at all and chose the one in front. "I feel like I'm being pulled over to this one." I thought aloud as I walked into the one in front. Reaching a jagged trail with ice sticking up at the sides. I look across the cavern and spot a white glowing Kyber crystal glowing brightly as I stare to it. "Shiny." I say with determination in my eyes as I look for a way to reach it. I take out a grappling hook and smirk as I twirl the rope connected hook looking for a spot to throw it. I find an under hang and twirl the rope faster getting ready to throw it. I throw the hook as it goes over,spins and latches onto the under hang. I connect the extra rope to my utility belt and take a few steps backwards. I look at my objective the Kyber crystal. I take a deep breath and dash for the edge. Reaching the edge I jump and grab hold of the rope swinging across. I get ready to land as I come closer to the other side. I let go of the rope and land on the cliff next to the crystal. "Now your mine!" I said as I unhook the utility belt and run to the crystal feeling excitement rush through my veins. I look and see no ground under the crystal. I try to stop only to fall and slide rapidly to the edge of the cliff. Sliding on my back I flip around take out the retractable knife. I take it in my hand and stab it into the ice as my feet go over the edge. The knife grips itself into the surface of the ice and stops all my momentum before I flew off the edge. I dangle with one hand holding onto the knife. I reach up and tug myself up onto the cliff's edge. I look for the crystal and see it in front of me. Taking my backup grappling hook in hand I dig it into the ice. I look off the side  of the cliff and get ready to reach for the crystal. I jump to the crystal and pull it out of the ice that held it in place. I turn 180 degrees and land on the wall. I look at the bright white Kyber crystal in my hands I climb up to the surface once more. 'Now lets get back to Rose.' I thought looking for a way to get back to over the Cavern.  I look to the left and see a tunnel that is covered by debris. I close my eyes and raise my arms as the rocks begin to levitate. I throw them into the cavern and run to the tunnel. Running through the icy tunnel while trying not to fall on my butt, climbing over rocks, using the force to guide me to the right way, and moving more debris I finally reach the entrance where I started. I dash for it as ice reforms where it had melted. I run faster knowing that I won't make it if I jog. I come to the last couple steps and slide under the reforming ice. I come to a stop and exhale, "That was too close." I said standing up. I walk out of the Jedi temple into the corridor of the cave I had entered a while ago. 

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