Chapter 5: Part Time Job

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After reaching the Amity Colosseum I smile as Summer stands next to me. "You seem nervous." Summer said as I walked to the stands. Rows of people watched a doubles fight.

Two 'droids' in Atlas colors approached me. One handed me a Holotransceiver. "General Ironwood." I said as I saw him smirk. "Its nice to see you again. Alpha. How do you like the new prototypes?" He asked as I rubbed my eyes. "These clankers sir? I don't like them, also where are you holding prisoner 274761453?" I asked, he frowned. "You know I can't tell you that." I took a second to think. "Qrow sed there was Infiltrators at Beacon. I need you to find them. Do you understand your mission?" He asked. "Yes sir." He smiled. "Good I expect you to find them easily. Happy hunting, and you are dismissed." I snap to attention and salute. "At ease." He said as it cut out and I relaxed from the position as my helmet formed around my face. "See you around, clankers." I disappear into the crowd and look through the cameras as I walk to the security room. Gently opening the door, the two guards watch Coco and Yatsuhashi take on Emerald and Mercury. I look at the names and take a screen shot of the names. I wave my hands as the guards fall asleep. "The force is a messy thing." Summer said as I continued to watch the fight through the Cameras.

As Coco was sent flying out of the forest I watched the crowd. "Kara run a facial scan on her." I pointed to the screen as she ran through the data base. "Unrecognizable. The face doesn't exist, yet shes a visitor from Haven?" Kara raised a lot of questions as I exited. My mask deformed as I ran straight into the girl from Haven. "My apologies ma'am." I said politely as I rubbed the back of my head. She eyes me and hooks her arm around mine. "Because of that you're going to treat me to lunch." She said with a smirk.

《Really Long Time Skip》

Listening to this mysterious character talk. She looked nice, but I didn't let her looks get the best of me. I was walking her to her dorm. "Well thank you for dinner, she said as I smiled. "You're Welcome. Emerald came behind me and took my earpiece , proceeding to enter the room. "Excuse me ma'am, I'll be needing that back." I said as she shook with fear. She handed it back and left. "Sorry about her, she is a bit curious about who I hang out with." The Mercury walk behind looking at me as he passed. "Sir you'll be needing this." He collapsed onto the floor. "Sorry but I don't like people looking at me like that." I threw him the screw as it bounced and rolled in front of him. "Thanks for the night, Ma'am." I said and winter as she blushed. When I left she closed the door.

《Cinder POV》

Emerald and Mercury looked at me. My blush was real. "So how was your date?" Emerald asked. I was against the door. "Oh boy, I think she liked it." Mercury said as I snapped up with fire in my eyes. They became quiet, I stood up and regain my composure. I picked up the my scroll CO and looked through the files I came across two interesting things. A piece of armor and the PENNY unit.

《(Y/N) POV》

Running through the courtyard I rush up the stairs and to the elevator. I hit Ozpins office on the elevator as it goes up. The doors open as I rush through. Ozpin, Pyrrha, and Qrow look at me. "Ozpin, I found them." They all look at me, while I regain my composure. I walk beside Ozpin and whisper in his ear. He nods and tells me to wait. "Professor if you don't mind me asking, why am I here?" She asks as he smiles. "What is your favorite fairy tale?" He asks. The conversation goes back and fourth between the two, until Ozpin talks about the seasons. Pyrrha tells the story as he smiles. "That was my mom's favorite." She said, "Would you believe if that story has been around since I was a boy?" He asks, Pyrrah laughs. "Your not that old professor." She says, then Ozpin asks. "Would you believe me if I said it was real?" Pyrrha stops, "I Beg your pardon." The conversation continues as he brings up being able to use powers without dust, like magic. Everything stops, Gylnda and Ironwood show up which makes me wonder. "Who are you really?" We both ask at the same time. "We are the Teachers, Headmasters, and Generals you knew." Gylnda said. "But we have a bit of a part time job." Qrow said. "Were the protectors of this world." Ironwood continued. "And we need your help." Ozpin finished.

Everyone ride down into the elevator. Pyrrha looked at everyone and I uncomfortably. I put my hand on her shoulder as she calmed down. "Where are we going?" She asked "To the vault below the school." He answered. She shook again as she held my hand in hers. The doors open and lights light up a massive hall. "You both must have a lot of questions." Gylnda said as we continued walking. "One..." I said "Or two..." Pyrrha finished as we walked. "Why couldn't you wait until I graduated. Pyrrha asked as I got an eerie feeling as we continue to walk. "As you can tell we're all out of time." Qrow stated. "The Grimm are getting more furious, deadly, and dangerous." I finished. The conversation We got to the end of the vault as two pods stood before us; one holding the original fall maiden and another empty. Her grip tightened around my hand. I could tell she was scared so I never left her side. "I-i-is that the fall maiden." I asked as Pyrrha shook even more, I started to shake while looking at her. "I-is she alive?" Pyrrha asked.

Everyone faded as I stared at her. Summer waved her hand but I stood with an unchanging gaze towards the maiden. I felt a tap on my shoulders as I was brought out of the  trance. "Are you alright Mr, (L/N)?" Ozpin asked as I shake my head then replied. "Yes, I'm, I'm fine and dandy." I smiled trying to comfort Pyrrha. "I never knew about this, why did he keep it from us?" Summer asked. 'I don't know I'll ask them later, I wonder why they haven't made a move against the villains?' I told her subconsciously. "Alpha!" Ironwood yelled grabbing my attention. "Yes sir!" I snap to attention still holding Pyrrha's hand. "I need you to keep an eye on our guests." He said as I sighed on the inside. "Yes sir." I answered as my mask forms around my face. Pyrrha looks at me sadly then smiles, letting go. I salute all and run to the elevator doors.

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