Chapter 4: Faith

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(A/N): Thank you wonderful and beautiful people for reading this book. Now without a further a do. Let the show go on.


I weaved in and out of traffic as I raced back to the Helipads. I jumped off the bike as it came to a stop skidding on the floor. The pilot of the Bullhead saw me running at him, so he took a seat and started the engine and started taking off. I hop on as he takes me to Beacon.

<Short Timeskip>

When we get there I jump off and see two people fighting with a crowd around them. "Kara who are those two?" I said getting closer to them. "One is Winter Schnee a specialist from Atlas. The other Qrow Branwen a huntsmen." She said as the two had clashed again. I pressed a button as my helmet formed, "Well sometimes a kid has to stop the grown ups." I popped my neck and dash in the middle of them. I unsheathe my arm sword to stop Qrow's sword and while I stop Winter's sword with my Aura. "Wow this is very disappointing. An Atlas specialist messing around, starting random fights, I wonder what General Ironwood would say." They both jump back. "Who are you?!" Winter yells as she feels disrespected. "Well if you want to know." I notice Qrow tease Winter. Winter dashes at Qrow as I stand in front of him. Winter has her blade aimed in a way that nothing will stop her. "Schnee!" A voice calls stopping her in her tracks. "Told you..." I said as Winter snap to attention. "Schnee what is the meaning of this? And who are you." General Ironwood said pretending not to know who I am. "She started it." Qrow says to him. "Is that true?" He asks as she looks at the floor. "You, come with me." He says pointing to me. I nod and follow. "You too Winter." We walked off to the direction of Beacon tower.

In Ozpin's office General Ironwood talks to Ozpin as they argue back and forth. I sleep with my mask on and back against the wall. Summer appears in my dream, "Hello Summer." I greet her, with a smile. "So I see that you've been busy with Ironwood, huh? Y'know that you're no longer a soldier of anyone but the Order and the Light, right?" She asked reminding me of who I once was. "Yeah but Ironwood was taking soldiers and I had just woken up from Carbonite freeze." I said answering her question with a sigh at the end. "Speaking of which how did you escape?" I look at her. "Well if you want to know."

<Flash back>

The Star Destroyer holds the ship in a tracker beam. I ignite my lightsaber and put on my helmet ready to strike. The sound of the blast doors being cut open fills the empty and bloody ship. I tighten my grip on the handle and pull out my blaster pistol. When the doors blow open the storm troopers rush up the stairs. When they come around the corner and see me they open fire. I deflect the blaster fire and rush towards them. I cut across the chest, legs, necks, and arms. The group is quickly decimated. I hear Vader's cold breath fill the ship. "Time to survive." I said to myself as I breath in and out. The lights start to flicker as a red glow fill the ship. The glow of the red light saber disappears as I start to look around worrisome. All of a sudden Vader rips through the floor with the red lightsaber. The lights go out as Red clashes with white, I hold my ground against Vader as I block and swing at him. Vader seems to grow stronger and stronger with each swing he delivers. I go to attack but he kicks me into a wall, I dent it then he grabs my using the force and chokes me. My blue visor starts to flicker as my lightsaber deactivates, I reach for my pistol and shoot at him. He lets go blocking both shots and walks over to me as the solid blue on my visor is cut out by the red. I try to stand with the presence of Vader holding me on the floor. I pick him up with the force and throw him at the Bridge windows. Using the force he grabs me and throws me through the windows as I crash, slide, and hit a Tie Fighter stopping me in my tracks. Vader floats down like a bird of death ready to capture and kill its prey. Standing with the aid of the Tie Fighter, I dash and use the force to throw things at Vader. He easily slashes through and locks with my blade. I notice Storm troopers fill the room as we fight, I collide with Vader once again. "Let the anger flow through you!" Vader said as he knew i'd be easier to kill that way. "No! I refuse and I will stay true!" We continue to block each other's blows. Then he hits away my lightsaber and charges swinging across my body. I jump to the side as he swings again, I fired at him as he missed. Vader deflects them back at me as they hit my knee plate and shoulder. I hit the ground on one knee. "Traitor." Vader says as he approaches, his breath crawls into my body and fills my body with fear. He raises his lightsaber, "Die!" He yells as he swings his sword. "Lord Vader." Emperor Palpatine stops him as the blade comes to a humming halt. "I want him alive, put him in Carbonite and leave him be." Vader looks at the hologram of his master. "Yes my master." He said bowing down.

<end of flash back>

"So, you understand?" I ask her as I walk under a tree. "Yes, good job standing up to him, but how did you get out after that?" She asked as I sighed and remembered. "Well..." I woke up from someone shaking me. "Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep but the meeting is over Mr. (L/N)." Ozpin said as I stood up, he took a sip of his tea and walked behind his desk. "I think you should meet team RWBY after this next fight they have. Now off you go." He said as I opened the elevator door. "See ya Ozpin." I said, "Good bye Mr. (L/N)." He said as the doors close and the elevator goes down to the first floor.

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