Chapter 8: The Finale

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I trudged through the snow looking for any sign of civilization as I came across a village. I sighed as I walked inside. "Heellllooowww!" I said as wind blew snow into the cabin. I shut the door and look around for any sign of life as I walk through the halls and up the stairs. I check each room see that its empty. "Well I might as well turn this into a fortress." I said as Summer appeared next to me. "You killed a sith. How do you feel?" She asked hoping I was still me. "I feel like that was too easy. Like it was a set up." I explained putting a trip wire to an shock Grenade. "I have a feel how I did before I fought him and when you helped me with the force." I answered walking away from the door to a window. I pick up a piece of wood and use the force to board them up. I place some more shock traps and head upstairs into a room. I sit on the bed and laid with my back against the headboard. I took off my helmet and stared at the mirror. I sighed as I saw myself, "Summer? What's up with Tai?" I ask as she appeared shrugging. "He's normally friendly but I guess he doesn't like the fact that you seemingly came to life." She answers as I closed my eyes wanting to fall asleep.


I wake up and stare back at the mirror with half of my armor showing. The room was dark as the shadow from the window hid my left shoulder to right low rib. I sighed picking up my helmet and walking to the living room. I sat on the sofa as I meditated, objects that weren't tied or bolted to the ground floated. A fire had begun in the fire pit before me as I meditated. Then I open my eyes and turn grabbing my blaster pistol from its holster taking aim as a Grimm creep bursted through the wall. I aim for the head and eyes but it keeps charging. I holster my pistol drawing my lightsaber. I force push the living room wall away as I land outside I ignite my lightsaber cutting up diagonally as I spun left on my knees dodging the ram of the creep. I stand up as the creep falls to the ground and dissapears in a pile of ash. I stared looking out and around wondering where its pack was and where it came from.

I hear two sabers ignite from behind. "Well, another sith come to die?" I ask as they charge swinging the blade in their left then right. I dodge the swings spinning behind them with my blade extinguished as I placed the top of the hilt at their back. I ignite then extinguished as they froze. I attached my saber to my hilt and looked at theirs. "Huh. That took shorter than expected." I sighed as I walked in the direction of Atlas. A marker on my helmet let me know I was out and below the kingdom of Atlas. I trudged out of the snow and looked up to the floating island.


"General Ironwood?" I asked opened the door to his office. He sighed as he turned in his chair. "Hello Alpha. How have you been?" He asks as he takes a sip from his coffee. "Not as fun as I would hope." I answered as he sighed. "I'm moving you to an atlas outpost in Argus to watch over the people there." He said as a small girl in military clothing with two guards show up staring at me. I face her, and salute showing my respect. She salutes back and starts inspecting me. "We need to get you a new uniform." She said as her two excessive guards showed it off. "No thank you ma'am I'll be of more use in this armor." I said as she looked at me shocked. Then regained her composure. "Alright then, come with me."

《Really long time skip》

I stood watching the gates of the base on  Argus. I looked to see familiar faces approach.  I walked towards them as they had hope in their eyes. "Halt! State your name and business." I said as they stopped. "Juane Arc, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren." Juane said as I looked at them. "You're the three from Beacon who was waiting for your friend." I said as they froze up. "And you're the mysterious soldier who gave us her armor." Ren said slowly. "How have you been holding up? I heard about Haven." I asked as they looked away from me. "Come, I know why you're here. I'll escorted you up." I said as excitement had risen up in their faces. We went up to Caroline Cordovin's office. "Ma'am." I said as the elevator doors opened up. "Ah Alpha I see you brought guests why?" She asked looking at them. "They need to get to atlas." I state as she laughs. "They're perfectly fine here. Why should they need to leave?" She states while tilting her head slightly. "Because they know what's coming and Ironwood needs to know about it!" I explain as the group looked around the office. "Too bad." She simply says. "What?!" We all say as she gets on her desk and looks down at me. "The only way you get to Atlas is by telling me." She explains as I shake my head. "Hell no! This is for Ironwood not you! You need to except the fact that some matters have to straight to the higher up and not through you!" I grow angry as she snaps and her two perky guards appear. "Hup!" They say in synchronization as theh land. "We request that you leave now, or be forced of with the power of Atlas' very own Cordovin!" I try to push through but they push me back. Suddenly were all out side the gates and get the door shut in front of me. "Welp there goes my job." I said as I looked at Juane, Nora, and Ren. "Does someone know someone who lives here? Please I dont want to be homeless." Juane nods. "My sister lives here so we'll be fine." Je says making me smile. "Thank the lord!" I said as he led the way.


"Hey Juane! Long time no see!" His sister said I looked at her while she looked back. "Hello again." I said as my voice had a bit of a harsher tone. "Yeah a long time." She had more venom in her voice then I as she walked up at me. "I'll provide a place to stay for all of you but this one." She said. "Still angry kiddo?" I asked. "Oh course I am!" She yelled. "Juane go inside with your friends my wife will make you something to eat!" She continued forcing them inside. "So you came back?" She said smiling giving me a hug. "How have you been, bud."

She welcomes me inside as we wait for the rest of the team to catch.

(A/N): that's the end of le book thank you all for reading. Have a good day/night you beautiful people.

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