Chapter 6: Checkmate

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It has been a day, I couldn't find that girl I met. Yang Xioa Long is now looked up in her Dorm room with her team. Another tragedy that I wasn't able to stop.

It was time for Pyrrha's match. I watched from the security cameras. The platform raised up from the base as they got in their positions. I've known about the Penny unit for sometime now but never knew he would have used her in the tournament. The fight had begun with Penny pulling out her swords, Pyrrha shivered visibly as I felt a dark presence envelope the Arena. All of a sudden Pyrrha uses her polarity semblance to throw the sword away; But they wrap around Penny's body, cutting her into pieces, making her body fall to the ground as her lifeless eyes stare at the crowd.

I rushed over to the seats staring in awe. Grimm and been released into the city and the next thing you knew, there was panic, pain, sorrow, death, loss, and defeat. I rushed into the loading area as Grimm were terrorizing the civilians. I grabbed my revolver and shot at the Grimm protecting them as the load. Ironwood how's head to head to an alpha Beowulf. "General, I need my suit." I say as he straightens his tie. "Alright, sending coordinate to your hud." I smile under my mask. I nod and jump onto a Griffin, stabbing it, and steering it as I see the target ahead. The students of Beacon are fighting hard, they stand their ground as Atlesian Paladins come to kill them all. The pod for my suit hits the next straight on destroying it. I crash landed the Griffin in front of the pod. "Velvet, there's another Paladin on the way." She nods as Coco nods as well. Velvet gets ready as I take my gear and put it on.

(A/N): it's your old armor just has some adjustments. (Not mine artwork)

1: Adjusted armor plates for speed and flexibility 2: Adjusted hud has a motion tracker, can see in the dark, and cleans off any liquid (water, oil, blood, snow, dirt, etc)

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1: Adjusted armor plates for speed and flexibility
2: Adjusted hud has a motion tracker, can see in the dark, and cleans off any liquid (water, oil, blood, snow, dirt, etc)

3: Armor has an upgraded shield for protection.
4: Grappling hook replaces the knuckle blades.
6: Has a sonar ball that scans it's surrounding area to view friendlies and hostiles

《Secounds after suiting up》

Velvet takes out the Paladin by herself which is an amazing feat. "Alright everyone go help anyone and everyone in the city!" I said as some question who I am but follow anyways. Grabbing my old blaster and running off into the city via a bullhead. Once there I start taking out as much Atlesian knights standing in my way as I throw a sonar ball scanning the homes around me. Most of the civilians had evacuated due to the Grimm bit I had to check. My blue visor shined bright through the ash and smile from burning houses. It all smelled like a bonfire as my eyes stayed focussed on my motion traker and map. Kara popped up as I walk to the house around me. As I watch for movement two knights pop up one shooting while the other jumps at me. I use the knight as a sheild from the bullets of the other then shot it in the head when I was able to. I continued through but fast heavy stomps stop me in the tracks. I turn around and start panning around to see if my motion tracker picks anything up. I see a red dot approaching fast on the motion tracker as I look at a big wall from where it's approaching. As I suspected a Paladin busted through the wall. It's arm converted into a missle launcher as it fired three all at once. I ran to the side firing at its cockpit as some of the bolts bounced off. I threw an impact nade as it made a big enough dent to damage the cockpit. I shot a grapple hook and reeled myself in. I rip up the cockpit putting in a thermal inploder inside and jumping off. The thermal inploder sends a chain reaction making the mech explode with the metal machinery going everywhere. I drop ship came carrying Atlesian knights surrounding me completely. "Your shields should be able to take the majority of the hits." I nod as I look at the body of the burning paladin. I rush to the paladin as they shoot. I jump over the fallen leg flipping in the air as the knights come into view. I shoot three and skim number four as I land behind cover. I look at the drop ship in the air as I shot my grappling hook into it's hull. I throw a thermal detonator as it clears out the rest. I reel myself into the ships doors and override it. I hover and fly up to Ironwood's flag ship. "Time to end this where it started." I said as Kara nodded.

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