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What are glithches?

A glitch is a person that does not belong in a Utopia world and meant to kept in there own place. They could move around and glitch place to place. If found they can causd trouble and mess with your life once found intrest.

The next day~

The glithches were wondering around the world until they came across someone. They sighed then cleared up there throat.

"Um do you know what are the rules in this place?"
    "Oh you must be new here then!"

The little boy smiled showing his braces. He took out a piece of paper that said "Rules in this world". He handed him the paper carefully to him.

"Here you go! i have a other paper so you could keep it!"
   "Oh thanks!"

The boy with black hair smiled at the little boy to seem nice and not to scare him. The little boy smiled again then bowed down. Once the little boy left they started reading it.


Rules in this world

1. Dont fight
2. throw away the trash
in the trash can
3. sleep at 9:00 pm
4. dont go across the line
5. respect your elders
6. be nice
7. last but not least be perfect

They both sighed at the first rule. They were both stressed at that rule. The black hair boy closed his eyes for a while.

"you are the one who fights a lot so. ."
     "Eh?! says the one who threw me!!"
"What time is it?"
      "its um 5:30 pm"

The brown hair boy looked around until he saw a face that he remember from yesterday. He smirked and told the other boy. They both started walking towards the male.

"Well well who do we have here?"
   "Oh you guys again. . You are lucky you found him"
"Hmm i guess we were but we are lucky we found you again"

He pinned him down towards the house that was there. The boy with brown hair started caressing his face.

"What are you doing?"
     "I just suddenly found intrest in you"
"your weird amyways i have to go"
      "Not so fast babe~"

The brown hair boy stoped hin from walking away. The other boy was just narrowing his eyes at him then he pushed him off.

"When i say i have to go i meant it"
    "Ooh feisty eh? I like it"
"for your information im straight not gay"

The brown hair chuckled and clicked his tongue. He looked at him one more time and got closer the other boy try moving his head away but he got his hand on his chin for he couldt move.

"I could change that real quickly"
    "i could file this as harassment"
"I dont care"

He went closer and kissed him. He sneakly put his arm around his waist and brought him closer. The boy try to push away but the boy with brown hair was holding him tight.

The boy stopped and smirked. The other boy that had black hair was just sitting down on a bench waiting for all this to end. Until he saw someone familiar with a hooded cloth looking around.

thanks for reading~
(sorry for updating this so much
im just having so much trouble with this)

Utopia [minsung & changlix] 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 𑁍︎Where stories live. Discover now