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Previously on Utopia
"Hey whats wrong?"
"Then why did you pull me away?"
    ". . . ."
"You were jealous?"

Then Chan smirked and kept teasing him all the way back home. When they got home there was a big mess outside and inside. .

Chan's jaw dropped when he saw all of this. Woojin was looking around to see the two just laughing. He grabbed both of there ears.

"Ow! Ow!"
  "What happened here?!"
"It was all EJ"

Seungmin got out of Woojin's grip on his ear and ran inside. While EJ was left outside with the two.

"please clean up outside!"
   "what?!! It was seungmin that did it!!"
"he will clean up the inside of the house"

Both of them went inside to see seungmin about to go back to his room. But Chan glitched towards him and grabbed him.

"clean up the mess you made here thanks!"
"thanks seungmin!"

They both pat his shoulder then left to the lab. Seungmin was left there to clean the mess he made with EJ.

Bongbong woke up at sounds that seungmin was doing while cleaning up. She walked in with her hamster plushies in her hands.

"what are you doing minie?"
  "eh? Oh cleaning"
"let me help you"

Bongbong walked to the couch and sat down her hamster plushie then covered it with her blanket. She started helping him and sooner or later they finish.

"thank you-"
   "no problem kid"

She ruffled his hair then went to get her hamster plushie. Then she left back to her room. When she got there Hyunjin was there just sitting on his bed.

"I'm hungry"
  "go make yourself food"

Bongbong just pushed him off the bed then made him stand up. She started pushing him out and into the kitchen.  Bongbong grabbed his arms and started cooking pancakes.

"now do it yourself-"
   "no I want you to do it!"
". . . . .Fine-"

Hyunjin smiled then sat on the chair. Bongbong glared at him then turn around to the pancakes. When she was done she placed them down onto the plate. Bongbong added syrup and whip cream.

  "thank you!"

Hyunjin stand up and kissed her cheek. She looked at him for awhile then went to go drink chocolate milk.  When she got it and turn around he was right there.

"Jisoos fucken christ-"
   "watch that pretty mouth of yours"
"what the fuck-"
     "I said watch it-"
"who is cursing in my kitchen?!"

Bongbong sets down the chocolate milk on the table then hides behind Hyunjin. Woojin looks at Hyunjin then looks behind him.

"come here!"

Bongbong put Hyunjin in front of her everytime Woojin was trying to grab her. Then after some minutes he gave up and left back.

"I told you"
   "it's not my fault-"
"hmm I should've kiss you"
   "you flirt-"


Felix woke up and rubbed his eyes. He look next to him and Changbin was hugging his waist. He was feeling hungry so he slowly got off the bed.

"felix. ."
"come back here. ." Changbin said in his raspy voice which makes Felix some how feel butterflies in his stomach. He walked back to the bed when Changbin stood up.

"give me a kiss"

Felix suddenly kissed Changbin. He pinned him down onto the bed which made him panicked. Changbin has never been panicked but now he is.

    "who is nervous now?"

Felix just chuckled then just kissed his cheek and stand up. Changbin put his hand over his heart, it was just beating like crazy.

"let's go eat beanie!"
   "I'm not hungry-"
"nope you have to eat! Now come along!"

Felix dragged Changbin to the kitchen just to see Bongbong being trapped by Hyunjin. Changbin looked at him shocked then pushed Hyunjin out of the way.

"I'm going to tell Chan-"
    "don't you dare!"
"you're going to be in big trouble~"
     "what's going on here?"

All of them turn around just to see Chan there which made Hyunjin back away a little. Changbin grabbed Felix and glitched outside.

"hmm let's go out to eat!"
   "ok lets go!"

Chan looked at Hyunjin with suspicious eyes. Which made him more nervous. Bongbong was just eating her food.

"did he do something to you?"
"ok then! I'm watching you hyunjean"
After that chan left wich made Hyunjin feel a little less nervous. He then looked at Bongbong and narrow his eyes at her. He was about to hug her but she glitched somewhere else.

  "ooh jinie you better watch it"
"no you better watch it"

Thanks for reading~
(this boring ass chapter that
no one will read )

Utopia [minsung & changlix] 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 𑁍︎Where stories live. Discover now