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Previously on Utopia
Jeongin smiled showing his braces which Mel found very cute. She was about to complement him but then felt shy and didnt.

Then one by one everyone fell asleep. Chan was the only one awake and decided to turn off the TV. Once he laid back down Woojin hugged him. Chan hugged him back and snuggled his face in his chest.

Next Day~

"Wake up everyone!!"
  "im awake!!"

Woojin suddenly stand up at the sudden voice coming from Chan. The rest of them woke up but like Bongbong was a heavy sleeper she didnt wake up.

"Wake up"

Hyunjin was just sitting next to her trying to wake her up. But it didnt work but like Bongbong cant sleep without hugging someone or something so she woke up. It was very cold last night like they had the ac on.

Bongbong stand up using Hyunjin's blanket to cover herself from the cold air just hitting her. EJ was pulling on seungmin's shirt because she taught she look so cute.

"Hey stop it!"
  "Oh sorry!"

Seungmin just smiled and pat her head. She looked at him then tried not to fan girl at his smile. I thought i was gay! im suddenly straight. .EJ suddenly taught of her sexually just by staring at his smile.

"hello?~ earth to EJ!~"
  "Oh what?"
"We are going to go to a restaurant-"
   "To get pancakes lets go!!"
"Bongbong your not going out like that are you?"

Hyunjin asked her then Bongbong looked down. She was wearing some pjamas that had penguins printed on them.

"Oh fuck-"
  "No cursing young lady! Now all of you go change!"
"Ok mom!"

Everyone one went to go change. Bongbong went in the restroom and Hyunjin was just going to change in the room. Like Bongbonng changes fast she went out and saw Hyunjin almost putting on his shirt.

"Holy shit!!-" Bongbong cover her eyes quickly and turn around. Her heart was beating fast. Hyunjin then back hugged her.

"Its ok you can turn around!"
  "Ok i trust you ok?!"

She turned around but he still didnt had a shirt on. Bongbong turned around fast again. "I fucken trusted you!!!"

Hyunjin just laughed at her reaction. Then put on his shirt. He went in front of Bongbong then removed her hands away from her eyes.

"Dont ever do that!!"
   "Ok ok! Lets go"

Everyone just glitched to the restaurant with the help of the glitches. They all sat down and other something. Woojin sat next to Chan, Minho sat next to Jisung, Felix next to Changbin, Mel sat next to Jeongin, EJ sat next to Seungmin, and then Bongbong sat next to Hyunjin.

"So what took you two so long?" Then suddenly Bongbong started choking on her pancakes. Hyunjin just passed her his strawberry milkshake. She drank some then saw the shock face from everyone.

"Are you guys dating?!!"
  "haha not yet"

Bongbong looked at Hyunjin then just kept eating. EJ pouted because she either wanted to date her or just being her single buddy. Seungmin noticed then poked her.

"Whats wrong?~"
"Are you sure?"
    "Yeah everything is ok!"
"Ok! Hmm here try some of mine!"

Seungmin picked some of his pancakes then fed it to her. Felix then gasped loudly then everyone turn around to see where Felix was pointing.

"Are you guys dating!!??"
    "Oh damn seungmin getting together first  than hyunjin?"

Hyunjin glared at Changbin which earned a chuckle from him.  Mel and Jeongin were the only ones who where being akward but Bongbong noticed then whisper to Hyunjin a idea.

Then everyone got the idea except them. So Mel was kinda suspecting something but then just kept eating.

"Lets go to the park?!"
  "Yes!! Lets go!!"

Everyone left running out except Woojin and Chan. They payed the lady then left running to catch up with the others who were already playing in the play ground.

"Hey we are all going to the store except you four so bye!"

Mel questioned why were all of them going to the store except them four. Bongbong and Hyunjin both hide behind them jeongin was about to walk when Bongbong pushed Mel a little bit and Jeongin ended up catching her.

"Are you ok Mel?"

Hyunjin the pushed them to kiss eachother. Bongbong then took a picture and started giggling. She send it to the groupchat then they just went crazy.

"Im sorry!!"
  "Its ok"

Jeongin let out a nervous chuckle. Then look at Mel then back down to his shoes Mel did the same.

"Hey what happened?"
"Are you suree?"

Chan showed a picture of them kissing then got them both shocked.

"Dont be shy jeongin!~"
   "Im not shy!!"

Jeongin yelled then pulled Mel into a kiss. Chan got suprised then took a picture and so did Bongbong.

"Wow i didnt know you can be this confident!~"
  "I learned it from Minho!-"
    "He use to be a playboy in school like you know he use to kiss a lot of girls!"

Jisung looked at him shocked then Minho looked at Jeongin in disbelief. Jisung then whisper something to Minho.

"I guess you got a little punishment when we get home~"

Thanks for reading~

Utopia [minsung & changlix] 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 𑁍︎Where stories live. Discover now