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Previously on Utopia

"Ok now you other people find those glitches!!!"
"Yes sir!"

All of the guards left to go find the glitches. But they didnt know where to look so they went back to asking people.

The people of Utopia were questioning in there heads why were they telling this to them again. It happened again, they told them that they never seen people that look like that.

The guards barged into Dr.Lee's clinic. Then showed her the pictures. She looked at then and taught they look familiar.

"Oh i think i seen them before!"
"Yeah i think i saw both of them in Felix's house"

The guards bowed down then went rushing to tell the others. Once they gather around one of the guards told them.

"Lets all go there!!"
   "Yeah for they could not escape!"
"Ok lets go!!"
    "The boss is going to give us money for this right?"
"Thats what i heard!"

They all ran towards the house. Once they got there they tried to open the door but it was locked. The guard then suddenly broke the door down.

Changbin stand up from the bed and saw them all. All of them woke up, Felix was very scared along with Minho

"If you two come with us there will be no problem!"
  "Jisung take both minho and felix down their now!"

Changbin yelled whisper to him. Jisung nodded but Felix didnt want to go down their. Jisung still gliched down there then left Changbin all alone.

"Where is your other friend!!"
   "Look here buddy i dont want to another sin so you can leave now"
"Ha! You think we will leave? Think again!!"

They all tried charging at him but Changbin glitched somewhere else. Jisung came back with a gun. He then handed one to Changbin. The guards had never seen weapons like that so they were confused.

"I told you to leave but you leave us no other choice" Changbin pointed the gun towards on of the guard who was in front.

Some of the guards went to the back and tried grabbing Jisung but he ended up glitching again. He shot the guard who was trying to get him. Felix when he heard the gunshot he got scared that he hugged Minho.

Changbin started shooting all the guards so did Jisung. They didnt know that there was more guards coming.

"I swear jisung if these guns dont have enough!"
  "Oh fuck-"

Changbin glared at Jisung as he put more bullets in.  Jisung gulped as he sense more people coming. They were getting ready to shoot when the girl EJ was going to come in. They looked at her then put the gun down.

"What happened here?! Oh wait nevermind"
   "Look here lady you cant be here right now"
"Why?! Wait-"

When she was going to say something the guards came in. Jisung glitched towards her moving her somewhere else.

"I fucken told you!" Jisung said as he shot the guard that was almost going to get him. Changbin was shooting all of them until he run out of bullets.

Changbin sighed loudly then hit the guard hard with the gun. Jisung passed him the sword that he had.

They were really getting tired and EJ was just there standing there getting protected by Jisung. After awhile they were really tired that they couldnt glitch anymore.

One of the guards smirked and grabbed Changbin like he couldnt glitch anymore they took him but EJ grabbed his arm.

"Let go girly!"
  "No! And who you calling girly you bitch!"

EJ got angry and punched the guard in the face. The guard grabbed EJ and hold her down. Two of the guards grabbed both Changbin and Jisung. EJ was struggling to get out of the guards grip.

But once they left with the two glitches they let go of her. Every guard that was there left. The only things that were left behind were the guards that they killed. EJ looked around and remeber that they have a underground place so she open the door to it and ran down.

  "Im so sorry Felix and Minho!!!!"
    "I. . I let them get away with them. ."

Felix eyes widen then suddenly tears just started running down. Minho looked down and gulped.

"Its not your fault. . ."
  "I feel guilty. ."
"W-we have to text them. ."
"The people that Jisung told us to... "

They all nodded and Minho tooked the phone while shaking. He pressed the message icon then went straight to the contact name that he told them to text.

Open Chat?

YES             NO

they took them

Who is this?!

Is this Minho?


Jisung told us to
text this chat if they ever
get caught. . .

I guess is time

Jisung already gave us
where the other hellavator
was so. .

We figure out a other

Now that we have the
tracks we can go back
only one time though.

Well lets go everyone

Also minho you will
have bongbong there to help
you guys go there

Thank you for
everything. . .

See you over there Minho!

This is going to be fun!!

You really want to beat
up those guards do you ?

Yes ofc !
(Read 10:19 AM)

Close Chat?

YES             NO

Minho turn off the phone then looked at them. EJ was looking at the messages and saw the word hellavator. . She knew were it was.

"Guys lets go to that store thats near the forest!"
  "Why? Why there?"
"Thats where the hellavator is!"

Thanks for reading~

Utopia [minsung & changlix] 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 𑁍︎Where stories live. Discover now