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Previously on Utopia
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I was a little hungry~"

Minho choked at that sentence. Jisung smiled once more then went to the kitchen. He was actually hungry so he ate some cookies.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Jisung made himself scrambled eggs then just ate a little. He left some for the other boys. Then the other boys woke up.

"Im hungry"
  "There is egg in the pan"

Changbin then sat down at the table. Felix was still sleepy so he sat on Changbin's lap. Jisung just watched them and slowly feeling akward. Changbin fed Felix the egg which just made Jisung akward smile.

When he finish Jisung left to where Minho was. He just saw him laying down on the couch looking up the ceiling.

Jisung poked his cheek and Minho quickly moved away. He sighed then stand up. Minho wasnt hungry at all but decided to take a walk.

He was walking when a guard stopped him. Minho was confused because he was just walking around.

"Have you seen two people ?"
  "How do they look like?"

The guard took out a paper that showed a picture of Changbin and the other picture of Jisung. Minho was freaking out in the inside but he stayed calm.

"Oh no i havent seen people like that"

The guard moved on to different people and they all shook there head. When it came to EJ she looked at the pictures then said no.

Minho was freaking out that he decided to run back home. He enter the house breathing heavily.

"Hey minho whats wrong"
   "T-they are looking for you two!"

Changbin's heart dropped then looked at Jisung that gulped. Felix was just confused. Why where they searching for them?

  "W-we cant tell you or else."
"Or else what?"
    "Basically we are scared that you will leave us for that-"

Both of the boys looked at them questionable. Jisung's heart started beating faster then usual.

"W-we a-are"
  "Glitches. ."

Both Minho and Felix both eyes widened. They have heard so many stories about glitches being so cruel but when they saw those two they didnt sense anything evil.

Well thats what there mothers told them. If you ever see a human that you can sense evil then there glitches.

"You guys are not evil right?"
"Felix glitches arent evil at all"
   "B-but my mom told me that"
"I see that story got to the public. ."
    "What story?"

Minho questioned then Changbin told them to sit down.

There was once a glitch that was so evil. Everything he did was just pure cruel. Whenever he will get out his house he will glitch everywhere and hit innocent people. Not only did he hit he tortured them. Sometimes he even killed them. Nobody knew why they just knew he was insane. Until someone decided to step up and end his live for good.

"Oh. . That gave me the chills"
   "Good thing he is dead"
"Yeah. . Well now you know there not evil"
     "right.Well now we have to keep you guys hidden"

They both nodded then sighed. Changbin really didnt want to just stay hidden. Jisung just layed on his bed. He didnt either wanted to stay inside.

Minho saw how Jisung looked so down after hearing that. Also Felix notice that about Changbin.

Felix went to hug Changbin and Minho went to hug Jisung. In the other side in the hellavator. Woojin stand up then went to fix the things again.

Bongbong and hyunjin went to the city part to just do fun things but also find things for the hellavator.

Chan in the other side was eating. He was also pouting because Woojin didnt want his help. He stop pouting when he saw Bongbong and hyunjin with stuff.

Chan was going to help but Bongbong said no. He started to pout again then crossed his arms.

"Why not!?"
   "You need to rest"
"You have already done enough"

Both of them smiled at Chan then left to Woojin's lab. They enter and saw Woojin working on the hellavator. They both placed down the tools.

"Do you need help?"
   "Yeah! Hold this for me"

She hold down something then he started doing something. It was almost finish but all he needed was the buttons and for Changbin or Jisung to find the other hellavator that is stuck over there.

Thanks for reading~

Utopia [minsung & changlix] 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 𑁍︎Where stories live. Discover now