※ 004 ※

406 19 1

Previously on Utopia
"You are lucky you found our house"
"Thank you"

Felix was just staring at changbin. In the other side the boy was suprised at minho's actions. Him grabbing his waist and pulling him in the house.
And now we continue 🌙


"Ok stop i didnt save your ass to be flirting with me!!"
"Minho just go prepare there beds"
"Thats a cute name Minho"

The boy said as he ran his finger down his jaw line. Minho grabbed his arm and put it down.

Minho walked away then started preparing there beds. Felix went to there kitchen and brought back milk with cookies.

"Here at least have late night snack"
"Thank you~"
"Oh by the way my name is jisung"
"Felix and you already know minho anyways when you finish just go to sleep"

Changbin and Jisung both nodded then just kept eating there snacks. Minho finished making there beds so he just went to his and lay there.

Felix walked away and then just fell asleep in his bed. The first bed was minho's then the next one was empty the other one felix was sleeping in it the other one was empty of course.

"You know jisung you need to stop being flirty"
"Nah i love it when i see him panicked"
"I swear you are something else"

Changbin finished his last cookie that he was going to eat and went to bed. He picked the one next to felix. Jisung looked at minho then just smiled.

Jisung taught he looked so cute while sleeping. Then he just went to bed and closed his eyes.

The house was now quite. The only thing is you can hear is footsteps from the guards and some crickets.

※ The Next Day ※

Both Minho and Felix woke up early just to prepare breakfast. The other two were just sleeping.

"Have you ever taught of escaping?"
"What?! felix! what kind a question is that?"
"I mean they always say to never cross that line"
"I think thats to dangerous and plus here its perfect!"

Felix looked at Minho then just went back to cooking breakfast. Finally the two other boys woke up and saw them cooking. Jisung backhugged Minho.

Minho jumped at the sudden skin ship between them. Jisung just smiled and pulled him closer. Felix just sighed and put the plates on the table.

"Minho are you finished?"
" ye-yes"
"Here is the pancakes"

Minho placed the pancakes down and then put whip cream with strawberries on them. Felix made banana milk so he placed the cups next to the plates.

All of them sat down at the table. Jisung started eating first because he was hungry even though he ate those cookies at night.

"So did you two took those pills?"
"Yes! of course"
"I really dont believe you two"

Felix narrow his eyes and pointed his fork at them. He placed it down then just kept on eating. Minho was trying to focus om eating but jisung placed his hand on his tigh which made him panicked.

After 10 minutes they finished there breakfast both Felix and Minho left to go where Dr.lee is. Felix wanted to ask a questions.

Changbin sighed once they left. Jisung gave him a questionable look.

"We need to find the hellavator"
"Why? Im happy where we are"
"We dont belong here!"
"It doesnt matter i found my happiness so now im staying"

Thanks for reading~

Utopia [minsung & changlix] 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 𑁍︎Where stories live. Discover now