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Previously on Utopia
He went closer and kissed him. He sneakly put his arm around his waist and brought him closer. The boy try to push away but the boy with brown hair was holding him tight.

The boy stopped and smirked. The other boy that had black hair was just sitting down on a bench waiting for all this to end. Until he saw someone familiar with a hooded cloth looking around.
And now we continue 🌙

The boy stand up from his place then started walking towards the male who was looking around. The boy taught just to tapp him on the shoulder because if its not him then it would just be a big embarrassment.

The hooded man turn around and see the same guy that he talk to the other night. He smiled then bowed down.

Like it was morning you could see the boys orange hair , lips , freckles and all his face. The boy with black hair was suprised on how handsome he is but he didnt show it.

"Oh hello again! Have you seen my friend"
   "You mean the gay one?"
"My friend is straight. ."
     "Not anymore. ."

The boy pointed to two other males that one was being pinned down to a house. The orange hair boy was suprised and shook his head fast.

"Minho!! Stop it!!"
"What are you doing!! what if the guards catch you!"

The boy now that has a name now pushed the guy away from his friend Minho. He took his hand and started running to there home that they had.

Felix open the door and pushed minho in. He took out his hood then kept on shaking his head.

"Minho here! i think the pill is wearing off"
    "Felix! Stop! he was the one who is something else im not falling in love!"
"Oh thank god!! I was really scared for a second. . ."
    "Wait i think the paper that jeongin gave him didnt have that rule!"

Felix looked at him with shocked eyes. His jaw dropped and ran towards the door. He opened it then went searching for the two other boys.

Once he spotted them he tapped on the boys shoulder. He turn around then the other one turn around too.

"Here! These are the pills you need"
   "Why we arent sick!"
"Look the rule here is that you cant fall in love with anybody!"
Felix open the cap and gave them 5 pills each. The other two males were just questioning if they should take it or not.

"What are you doing?! take it now!!"
   "Eh! i dont feel like it"
"Why are you so stubborn!!"
  "I want you to give it to me"

Felix looked at the male with black hair in a questionable look. The boy with black hair smiled and handed him the pill back.

"Feed it to me"
  "What?! are you crazy!"
"No im totally fine!"
   "They will find out and they will do horrible things!!"

The male with black hair smiled and put the pill in felix mouth. The other male just sat down on the bench ready to see what was going to happened.

Felix looked at him shocked. Then the boy grabbed his neck and held him close. The male took the pill but didnt swallowed it. He pulled away just to see felix shocked.

"Are you crazy!!" Felix kept on looking around to see no guards. He put his hand on his heart and it was just beating fast.

While felix was looking down and putting his hand on his heart the boy spit it out.

The only way that pill would work is if you swallow it. The boy with black hair was just smiling at felix that was just so suprised.

"Who are you?! Why are you doing this to me!"
   "My name is Changbin! Seo Changbin"

The boy with black hair smiled. He offered his hand out. But all felix could do is have his heart beat faster than usual and was just having butterflies in his stomach. All felix could do is stare at the boy named changbin in shoked.

Thanks for reading~

Utopia [minsung & changlix] 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 𑁍︎Where stories live. Discover now