Chapter 31

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Wavepelt opened her eyes just a bit, and saw the male Twoleg heading toward her with more food and water. She sighed, tucking herself in more.

Wavepelt had been here for three days now, absolutely refusing to move from her nest. All she wanted to do was sleep. At least when she dreamed, she could see some of her Clanmates.

She heard the Twoleg leave the room and shut the door, and re-opened her eyes. She stared at the food. Still meat and water.

Wavepelt slowly ate the meat, savouring every bite. It's the only thing that reminds me of home when I'm awake.

But the moment was short-lived. Soon the meat was gone, and so had memories of prey-sharing with Clanmates.

The door opened slightly, then closed. Wavepelt turned her head and noticed Trinity coming toward her.

"What is it?" the she-cat asked. "For the past two days, you've insisted on staying in your nest, and whenever my housefolk get the roller, you hiss at them. What's wrong, Wavepelt?"

"Everything," Wavepelt muttered.


"I miss my Clanmates, I miss being outside, I miss being able to hunt... I miss Clan life." Wavepelt sighed again. "And I hate the roller."

"The last one here did too." Trinity thought for a moment.

Then she said:

"Have you tried standing up?"

Wavepelt stared at her blankly. "I can't. My hind legs are broken."

"Are you sure?"


"Really sure?"


"Super sure?"

"Yes!" Wavepelt exclaimed. "Why?"

Trinity shrugged. "Just try it."

Wavepelt heaved her front paws so she was half-standing up, with her hind legs dragging on the ground.

"Use your hind legs!" insisted Trinity.

Gingerly, Wavepelt tested one of her hind legs on the ground. It hurt to even move the hind leg, but it didn't seem brokenn anymore.

"Get the other one up." Trinity's eyes were wide with excitement.

Wavepelt moved her other hind leg, with excruciating pain, up.

"It worked!" cried Trinity. "I can't believe it. Your broken legs healed in three days! Three! It's impossible!"

Wavepelt glanced up at the ceiling, normally where she would have seen the sky, where StarClan was. Thank you.

"But..." All of a sudden Trinity had a guilty look on her face. "I know what will happen. My housefolk will see you walking around like nothing happened—"

"But feeling like my legs are on fire," Wavepelt put in.

Trinity shrugged. "They'll see you and they'll still keep you here for a moon. It happens to every cat, even those with wounds not as serious."

Wavepelt sighed. "Oh well. But at least I'll be able to move around... even it involves much, much pain."

"Do you feel better now?" asked Trinity.

Wavepelt nodded.

"Yes!" shouted Trinity with glee. "I know something that will cheer you up even more."

Warriors: A New Beginning #1: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now