Chapter One-Oddities.

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(Y/n) had just arrived in the sleepy town of Gravity Falls, Oregon when she noticed the strange occurrences that happened in the town. Little things disappearing, like her lipstick, pencils, jewelry, and other things among those. Seeing shadows on her walls, hearing her name being called wherever she went, even if no one was around... it was odd... that's why it sparked her curiosity... the young 20 year old had always been interested in these sorts of things... oddities, anomalies, the paranormal, and anything along those lines... that's why one day, she grabbed a notebook and pen—all of her pencils had mysteriously disappeared—and set off into the woods, documenting anything she deemed odd, until she saw it... the weirdest thing she'd seen yet... a triangle with one eye, a top hat, and it's arm poking out of the ground. Moss had grown around it. She grabbed her phone to take a picture, and when she tried, nothing but static came up, and got worse when she got closer to it. It flickered, then flashed the triangle onto the screen.
"Heya!! Looks like you found me!! Mind shaking my hand and setting me free?!"
"Ah!!" The girl yelled and dropped her phone, stumbling back.
"Hellooooo??? Y'still there, kid???? Lemme out!" The triangle in the phone spoke out. She crawled towards it again and outstretched her hand, locking hers with the statue's. It started cracking, glowing gold within them, and finally broke entirely. The hand closed around hers and she squealed.
"FINALLY!!! Stars ABOVE it was stiff in there!!! Hiya! The name's Bill Cipher! And what might yours be, oh free-er of the most powerful being in the universe..?"
"(Y-y/n)..." she managed to mutter out, glancing over at her now-fried phone. He glanced over at it as well. "I'll fabricate you a new one later. But onto more important things!! You set me free! I can finally continue my plan! The Pines family wouldn't happen to be anywhere around here, would they..?"
She shrugged, retracting her hand. "I just got here..."
The triangle adjusted his bow tie and looked at her. She looked frightened.
"Why're you standing there all scared like that? You look like you saw a ghost!... or.. a demon..." he grew around 10 sizes bigger, his voice became much, much deeper. She squeaked and he shrunk to his original size, laughing loudly. "Ha! Relax, kid, it was a joke!! But in all seriousness, I *am* a demon. You still look scared, though... and for some reason... I don't like it... I usually love scaring humans... but not you... so allow me to make a few changes!! Step back, wouldja, doll?"
She stepped back and the triangle was encased in a blue orb of fire. After a few seconds, a man walked out, looking about her age. "How's this?~" he grinned.
"Stars..." the girl muttered, her eyes lighting up.
"I knew you'd love it!!! We can address more pressing matters, now... how would you like to make a deal?~"

Hellooooooo all! Hope you like my new little thingy! I figured I'd try this on for size. 😁😄
Words:527 including these!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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