Goodbye Bucky

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'Dearest Bucky,

It's me, Steve.

I want you to know it was my choice.
It was the only way to defeat him and get you back

I volunteered.

I know. Still the same stupid little punk who volunteered to be experimented on?

I guess some things never change.


If you're reading this, the plan failed, or went right and I just happened to die.

I miss you already.

I have for the years you've been gone

Every damn day.

But I'll see you again, right?

It's only a matter of time.
But survive to old age. 
Don't make this be for nothing

I'll be watching you
A guarding angel

Oh how the tables have turned.

I love you're eyes
And your hair
And how you always chuckle a little when something sad happens
And how you go to science conventions for fun.

When you were frozen, I visited and talked
When you..dissapeard, I visited and talked.
I hope you'll come visit

You might be wondering what I talked about
Life, I guess

New discoveries.
I showed you my drawings
I told you that I missed you every damn day
I told you that your amazing and deserve the best.

This might not be the best time to write this,
But it's the only one.
We're on our way to battle.
I miss you and you're jokes
Cheering us up about possibly dying

I love you Bucky,

And I hope you'll remember me
As the imperfect man who danced with you when we were young and went on our first dates with woman
As the man who tried to make you pancakes on your birthday and nearly burned down the house
As the man who kissed you in Central Park, to show you that you're worth it
That were worth it
That that was ok
That I loved you
Becouse when I kissed you in Central Park,
Mabey no one knew it was us,
But I could've Lost so much
But you're worth it

I hope you remember me as that man,
Not the freedom fighting hero who never cried
Or got hurt
Or showed emotions
I hope you'll be ok

I love you so damn much,

My dearest Bucky,
I miss you and the earth already
I hope it's worth it

With lots of love,

Steve Rogers
Your one and only Central Park kiss
And your love,
I hope

Goodbye Bucky

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