Chapter 2

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Hakeem in media ^

Dior's POV

My dream woke me up out of my sleep and here I am laying here drenched in sweat. I roll over and look at the time and see thats its 7:03 a.m.

I get up and start my day for school. I put on some music on my iHome speaker and go in the shower. I spend 30 minutues in the shower before I decide to wash me and get out. I brush my teeth and throw my hair in a messy bun before extiting the bathroom.

I wrap the towel around me and decide to go in my room and get dress. I decide on a black and white PINK sweatsuit and white forces. I add make up to my face and now I am ready to go.

I see my mother downstairs putting her plate in the sink as I walk down the stairs.

"Good morning Momma," I tell her in my fakest, happiest voice.

"Good morning," she mumbles back. I menatlly sigh. This is our everyday routine I say to myself. Well, at least she decides to cook breakfast.

I sit down at the island countertop and load my plate with eggs, bacon, breakfast sausage and pancakes.

I'm excited to start my first day as a senior in high school. As I think about my first day and I think about my best friend, Arin and how she feels as a senior in high school.

Just when I say her name I look down at my vibrating cell phone and see her facetiming me. Think of the devil and she shall appear I tell myself.

"Good morningggg," she tells me in the phone.

"What have you so jolly this morning cause you and I both know you're never that happy." I tell her.

"Whatever best friend. But I'm happy because WE'RE FINALLY SENIORSSSSS!" She exclaims in the phone.

I laugh at her sillyness. "You're right I suppose, sister." Me and Arin always did call each other sisters cause we've always been close.

I hear my mother smack her teeth and see her roll eyes and get up and leave for work. Jeez, I can't even get an "I love you" out of my own mother. I ignore it and finish my conversation with Arin before realizing that it's time to head to school.

Halfway to school I realize that I need to put some gas. I pulled over to the nearest gas station to put some gas. Before I get down I look at the pump number I am on before going inside to pay for the gas.

As I get closer to the door a voice in the back of my mind tells me to look back one more time to make sure I remember. As soon as I turn back around I run into something hard and look up to see one of the finest dudes I ever seen. He was tall, had pretty teeth, and tattoos all over his body. I didn't realize I was staring at him until I felt drool coming out of the corners of my mouth.

I look up at him embarassed to see him smiling at me. "I'm sorry for not watching where I was going. I was trying to remember my pump number." I laugh slightly.

"You should never have to apologize to a man, beautiful. If anything I'm sorry." He replies back while licking his lips and I blush slightly.

"Its OK," I respond honestly and smile lightly. Damn it feels like every second im smiling at this nigga I think to myself.

"Thats just a sample of how I can make you feel shorty."

I immediately look up at him embarrased. " Did I say that out loud?" I ask him although knowing the answer.

"No need to feel ashamed. Always speak your mind no matter what and I promise you would feel better." He chuckles slightly.

I take in his words and try to move past him to get into the store before I embarrass my self once more. "Sorry again," I tell him before heading inside the store.

I walk up to the register and forgot what pump I am and walk towards the window to see what pump I was on once again.

"Thirty dollars on pump three." I tell the man behind the register whom name I learn is Ahmad.

" Have a good day Tink." He tells me calling me by my nickname Arin gave me. She said I remind her of Tinker Bell but the black version. I have no idea what sees but the name just stuck with me.

"You too," I tell him with a smile.

I finally put some gas in my car and started heading towards school as I sing along to Ex-Factor by Lauryn Hill.

I pull up to school and look at the time to see it's 8:30 and realize I have 30 minutes to spare before my classes start. Being that I'm a senior and took some classes early, my first class dont start until 9 am.

I get out and walk through the doors and head for my locker that I received during orientation and see my boyfriend, Hakeem waiting for me.

"Good morning babe," I tell him after kissing him.

"Good morning back to you my beautiful wife," he replies back while kissing my neck. I can't help but notice the glares I'm getting from other females. Hakeem is the star basketball player for our high school team.

Me and Keem been dating for two years and its the best two years of my life. I honestly see us getting married one day and having kids.

"Aye Keem come see right quick," one of his teammates calls to him.

Hakeem looks at me and then back to his teammeates. "It's OK babe, you can go see what they want," I tell him and he runs off.

I open my locker up and take my calculus book that I need for class and close my locker back and jump a little bit seeing Arin standing there.

"How the hell you get right here so fast? What you do a magic trick?" I asked her.

"Yup. Hocus Pocus make me appear in behind my besties locker," she says with a silly look on her face and I can't help but to laugh at her.

"Girl guess what," I asked her and she looks at me and ask "What you finally got some dick?"

I turn a light shade of red even though no one can see being that I'm dark. "No! But I met this fine ass dude earlier." I quickly tell her.

Even though me and Keem been together for two years we never had sex. I don't think I'm mentally ready for sex yet.

"Omg! Did the little angel just say another guy was fine!? Its going to rain," she says.

"Whatever Arin! He doesn't control me." I tell her.

"Anywayssss, how did he look and how yall meet?" She ask with an amused face.

"Well I had stop to put some gas and as I was walking into the store I turn around to see what pump I was on and when I turned back around I bumped into him. He was sooo fine. He was tall with some of the prettiest teeth I had ever seen and he had lots of tattoos," I explain to my bestfriend.

"Well, look at you! Falling for a guy with tattoos. Who would've thought? Im teaching you well huh lil sis? One more thing; that's God trying to show you to leave Hakeem doggish self alone." She says.

"Whatever, and stop calling Keem a dog. He is not a dog and if he was, he's my dog." I reply back to her with a hint of attitude. Im tired of her and Hakeem always going at each others throat when they're around each other.

"Theres no need to get an attitude sis I'm just trying to be there for you... and remember stray dogs don't belong to anyone."

Soon after the bell rung signaling it was time get to class. Heading to class I sigh, I hope time go by fast today I thought.

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