Opening Authors Note: For the curious

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I went digging through my folders for a picture that wasn't this. However looking back at how the first book started with the original picture used for the cover art, I figured this could be a tradition of sort.

Let's start with some bullet points, shall we?

• Yes. You're finally going to get Hayley in this story.

Not just that one scene in chapter 1 of the first book. Not just phone call conversations. Actual scenes with Hayley. I know a lot of people have been looking forward to that.

• No, it won't be as short as the last one.

It's actually probably going to be stupid long. I have huge chunks of Amy's life story planned out. But it will be broken up into multiple books as seen here.

• The plot is Amy's life story as Josh and Hayley's daughter. Hence the title of the book series.

This is the story of the world she lives in, her relationships, the drama of the band, the drama between Hayley and Josh and how all of these things and more impact Amy and her relationships both familial and platonic.

• A friendly reminder as to the accuracy of the events of the band and personal lives of its members.

While I try to stick to the actual history of the band when possible that it will veer off noticeably at times. Especially when it comes to their personal lives because I didn't want to stalk google for articles and interviews, that always weirds me out. And I'm going to cling tight to my creative license at some points. But I hope you all trust me enough at this point to not look at that and think negatively.

This is a fictitious story about a fictitious person. Not a real life biography. I stick to accuracy where I can with what I know. And sometimes I don't know and again, feel super uncomfortable googling for personal life information.

• Not all the members of the band are going to be painted in a positive or negative light.

You're going to see a lot of subtly gray undertones, hints and foreshadowing in this book. But that doesn't mean I think either of them are evil or saintly. Especially what I do with Hayley and Josh's relationship... and maybe even Hayley, Josh and the Meyers family. You'll just have to read and see ;)

• Sometimes I include and use unofficial information. Sometimes I add to that unofficial information with ideas of my own.

About the band and their personal lives. Rumors and what not. I can't say much more beyond that because spoilers.

• Wait, Woobie. You said you went digging through your folders. How many pictures do you have?

Too many...

• Maybe an unnecessary bullet point regarding Amy's size and height.

In the years leading up to the first book Amy hasn't been eating a steady meal. Often skipping or eating much less than she needs as a child. As fine as Amy may have seemed in the first book... she is not fine. Consider it a sub-plot.

With that all wrapped up I'm going to do a brief ramble and then another dumb ramble at the end that has nothing to do with anything, as is my custom.

I hope these bullet points were enough to give you an idea of what this story is about and answered whatever questions you may have had or will have throughout the story. And most of all I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I love writing it. Thank you all so much for your support and I can't wait to hear what you all think of the story.


That extra ramble that's completely unrelated to anything I just said about the story and characters.

A fun fact no one asked for. If it wasn't obvious enough I'm a die hard Breaking Benjamin fan, more than I am a Paramore fan and I'm not sorry. I've never cried on the barricade at a Paramore show (I've never even gotten barricade at a Paramore show, that's stan territory). Though I started listening to them around the same time. About eight years old. Ember is an amazing album, all Breaking Benjamin albums are amazing albums, a bad Breaking Benjamin album doesn't exist and to think so is blasphemy in it's most abhorrent form. Most of my placeholder chapter titles are Breaking Benjamin lyrics and some stay the chapter titles when I post them.

Breaking Benjamin, Breaking Benjamin, Breaking Benjamin, Breaking Benjamin, Breaking Benjamin.

Breaking Benjamin
Breaking Benjamin
Breaking Benjamin
Breaking Benjamin

Also Close Your Eyes is underrated, Torn In Two and Never Again are masterpieces, I know the lyrics to every song better than I know my own name :P

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Also Close Your Eyes is underrated, Torn In Two and Never Again are masterpieces, I know the lyrics to every song better than I know my own name :P

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