Chapter 2: A Family Reunion

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Here's another chapter because why not. You guys have waited long enough for Hayley and Amy to meet.

-February 8th, 2007. Thursday. 6:04 P.M-

One side of me is beyond words or any sort of feeling. The other? What in the actual fuck...

You're telling me my other mom, the one who gave birth to me, as the Mom behind me says... that it's Carol and Carly's idol? What do I say? What do I do? I'd say hi back but words aren't finding their way from my mouth. Like that part of me turned around and walked out somewhere.

As if seeing my continued uncertain glances and stares as a sign that the struggle to wrap my head around this is not any easier, she smiles. Taking a step or two forward but leaving plenty of comfortable distance for me. Slowly lowering herself until both her knees rest against the hardwood of the living room floor. "I know this is a lot to take in. But I think you're doing great just being here... and I think you're super brave too." Never once looking away, lips curling upward with a smile that reaches her eyes.

Snap out of it, Meyers. Say something. Anything. Do something besides stand here and stare at her. "Your... shirt..." Mumbling quietly, worrying me that she may not have heard me or understand what I meant.

She... Hayley glances down quickly at her clothes, smile disappearing for a moment before instantly returning as she lifts her green eyes back to me. "Yeah? You like it?" Tone rising ever so slightly, hands pulling on the hem of her shirt. Smoothing it out so I can see it better.

Thank God, she understood... not able to stop the relieved little smile I feel pulling at the corner of my own lips. Giving her a nod.

Hayley giggles a bit, smiling wide enough to show some of her teeth. "Me too! A shirt with a ninja on it is a must have! He's like, jumping around and fly kicking and stuff." Looking between me and the shirt as she points to the stuff on it. "You've got awesome taste in shirts."

There's a pause that settles over the room. Noting the soft thumping of feet against the stairs behind me but glancing over my shoulder shows me my mom... the one I've known all my life is still behind me. When I look back ahead of me Hayley's eyes look different. Shinier... Did her lip just twitch?

A hand gently settles on my shoulder. The fingers do at least. "Amy really is just excited to finally meet her birth parents. Her sister Carly is a big fan of your music and Amy is a bit of a musician herself!" I can hear the smile in Moms voice. Tensing when she mentions "me" and "music" in the same sentence. Suddenly feeling a warmth on my cheeks, noticing how my shoulders tense and come up as if to try and hide my embarrassment. Am I really a musician if I sold all my instruments?

Hayley sniffles and rubs her nose with the back of her hand. Her eyes still very shiny, looking up at Mom before back at me and smiling again. "Oh yeah? What do you like to play?" Voice cracking a little, sounding a little... deeper than before. Lower. "Don't be shy, honey..." Hayley adds soothingly. Lifting her hands, holding them out for me.

"Honestly she plays everything, I think!" Mom chuckles behind me.

"I used to..." I mumble, briefly looking at the light yellow walls. Of all the things to bring up, Mom thinks that's a good one. I can think of a hundred better things to talk about...!

...And that's why my mind is still completely blank.

She... other... other mom? She looks between me and the mom standing behind me. Eyebrows furrowed. Looking over her shoulder at Josh who's standing right behind her before shaking her head a little. "You can talk to me about anything. Anything at all. Nothing you say could change how I already feel about you." Opening and closing her outstretched hands. Her lips curling somewhat upward. Shoulders down, eyes a little red, still shiny and but full of warmth.

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