Chapter 5: I Want To Break Free

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-February 10th, 2007. Saturday, 8:48 a.m.-

I don't know what's happening. Or why I went from warm and comfy to cold and annoyed. All I know is I'm groaning loudly and kicking my feet. Hating everything and everyone.

...But that smells good, what the hell is that deliciousness?

I hear voices, chuckling, talking. But all I see is darkness. Ah, I see I've finally ended up in hell. This has been a long time coming.

Oh wait, no.
My eyes are closed.
...I'm not dumb, you're dumb.

Slowly peeling my eyes open. Watching a blurry thing waving in my face, trying to blink my vision clear. Noticing how everything goes quiet all of a sudden. Except for that one soft voice, sounding right in front of me.

Finally my eyes focus on what is now a hand slowly moving up and down in front of my face. "Aaamyyy... " Following the voice behind the hand.

"Oh, awesome!" She smiles wide at me, putting her hand down. "It worked!" Hayley laughs softly. Giggling at what I'm sure is my ridiculously confused face.

Instinctively I try to move myself forward. Startled when my feet just swing loosely in the air. Noting how I'm face height with Hayley before looking down at my legs. Hanging in the air... hands under my arms.


"Put me down." Narrowing my eyes at the floor.

"You're so light, like a feather!" Dad chuckles from behind me. Slowly lifting me up and down as if to make his point. Like it matters.

Hayley giggles at the sight of us before putting the pancake flapper in her hand down somewhere but I don't remember her having a spatula... wait, where did she put it? Am I alive or dreaming? What the fuck is going on? "Is she really?"

"Hayley, you could carry her around and not get tired."

"Put me down. Now." Trying to not make it super obvious how annoying this is. Squirming in the air, hoping I'll get loose.

Josh chuckles more, clearly refusing to do what I ask. "Don't be a stinker, Amy. It's really cute and fun, you should be happy you can be so lazy and have people carry you around at your age. Who want to carry you around no less!" He insists gently. Hayley quietly agreeing as she gives me a short but slow nod.

"I wish someone would carry me around still." She adds casually with one of those seemingly perfect smiles.

"I know, right?!" Dad laughs. Accidentally shaking me around while he does.

This only makes me madder. Glaring now at the clock on the wall behind Hayley. "So help me if you don't put me down you're going to regret it!"

"Alright honey, calm down..." The older girl with red hair who is apparently my birth mother tries to soothe.

Josh seems to follow her lead... maybe. "Easy now, bub" he starts, "there's nothing wrong with being carried around by your dad of all--"

Nearly too fast to catch what I'm doing, when Josh turns me around to face him it happens. My hand lifts up, pulls back and, while he's midsentence my palm swings forward. Resisting the urge to tighten my hand into a fist. Feeling how I'm already mostly pulling my punch... or slap, before it's even halfway to his cheek.

It must still sting a bit as it's enough to visibly jolt him. Barely noticing the sound of skin lightly clapping skin. Josh accidentally dropping me but this works out for me as I manage to land on my feet.

"Amy!" Mom gasps from... the archway into the living room?

My head whips around, meeting the scolding glare of my other mom. And Carly awkwardly holding one of their several bags of groceries from the supermarket.

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