Chapter 4: An Open Door

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-February 9th, 2007. 4:58 P.M-

Gwyn watched as the young and novice parents looked between each other. Visibly lost and clueless what to do. Though that's not entirely their inexperience. Amy's situation was... unique. And while Gwyn remained confident that improvements could be made to better the seven year olds life, that didn't mean they would come easy.

This was going to have to be a team effort. "She must've had to meet up with those men that give her "jobs". And they must've given her one of those scare jobs."

Josh turns from the stairs to face the older woman, Hayley following shortly after. Folding her arms over her chest and looking back to Josh.

"I think Amy is ready to leave those people and that life now. This could easily be what pushes her to confront them and part ways." Gwyn further explains.

"And we've got to go give her that push?" Hayley asks concerned, eager to do whatever she has to do to help her.

Gwyn merely shakes her head. "No. She needs space. Amy isn't ready to let anyone help or guide her out of this darkness she's been lost in for so long. When she's ready to find her way out and let her eyes adjust to the light - we'll be able to tell." Her gaze drifting up toward the stairs. "And then she's really going to need help." Not needing to elaborate further than that. By now it was obvious to even Hayley, who has only been in the Meyers residence for twenty-four hours that Amy doesn't know how to be a kid anymore.

"Mom, can you help me?" Carly's voice calls out from the kitchen table. Reminding Gwyn of what she was doing before. Dinner and homework with her eldest daughter.

Once Gwyn briefly excuses herself from the young couple, Josh attempts to step away, back into the living room. Surprised to hear footsteps following him in. A hand gently grabbing his arm and his attention.

He stops and turns part way to meet his redheaded girlfriend. "Hey..." speaking tentatively, biting her lip. "I've been thinking... I mean, I know this is going to sound like I'm rushing stuff but I guess I just, like, want to lay down my plan going forward with all this." Slowly working through this seemingly sudden nervousness that Josh can't help but be a little surprised by.

He fails to see what could possibly be on her mind... "What's up, Hayley?" Turning around to face her as she lets go of his arm, allowing him to do so.

"If we're going to be... No. Scratch that." Shaking her head clear, starting over her train of thought. Brushing her hair from her eyes after. "We are Amy's parents. And for us to properly take the role, we're going to need those parental privileges restored to us. Obviously Gwyn has to be okay with it because I don't think we can get our rights back without her approval." Speaking quietly, keeping her voice down. She paused. "Maybe if we paid thousands for a lawyer..."

"Honestly, that does feel like we're rushing things a little." Josh thought aloud, making sure he spoke softly as well.

Hayley sighed and made random gestures with her hands as she spoke. "I know, but I'm looking at the long term here." Holding her finger to silence a clearly surprised Josh. "We have tour sometime in April, I'd have to go look at my planner. So we hit the road for the rest of the year because you know that's likely the plan with Riot coming out in the summer, and then what?" Shrugging her hand. "We just show up in her life and vanish?"

"No!" Josh spoke a little louder than he intended. Turning away and running his hands through his hair before turning back. "I... we'd still see her..."

"When?" Hayley fired back, further proving her point. "At the end of the year for her birthday or something?"

Though his lips parted to respond Josh could think of nothing to come back with. Instead he pursed his lips into a tight line, accepting her argument.

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