Chapter 1: The End

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-February 8th, 2007. Thursday. 4:41 P.M.-

The first thing they did was open their arms and hug. After all they still loved each other... only time will tell if that would conquer the problems plaguing their relationship.

With Josh helping carry two out of three of her bags, he and Hayley made small talk all the way to the car. This would be the last drive he made in the red sedan. Hayley was able to leverage her slight celebrity status to book a rental in her name with a small discount. He didn't expect his visit with Amy to last so long but he's not complaining. Especially not with how well things have been going so far. Here's to hoping things continue to go well with Hayley here now. She's the one who really needs to have a smooth meeting with their daughter. After everything she has had to endure. From the pregnancy, to the c-section, holding Amy as a baby and having her taken from her arms. He is willing to admit Hayley has had it harder. Not to say he didn't suffer though.

Once the bags were put away in the trunk and Josh took his seat behind the wheel with Hayley at his side in the passenger seat, they began the tedious drive back to that small town their daughter calls home.

And speaking of calling... "Hayley, can I borrow your phone real quick? I left mine there and I said I'd call them when I picked you up." Josh explains with his eyes glued to the highway in front of him.

A bit confused that he would leave something so important behind she decides to let that be for now as she nods and pats her pockets down. Finding her cell phone, easily pulling it from her front right pocket and about to hand it over until her eyes settle on the road before them. Hayley couldn't help but to bite her lip with a thoughtful pause. "What's the phone number? I'll dial it for you." As she flipped it open and held her thumb over the buttons.

Initially Josh was puzzled until he thought better of himself. His focus should be on the road. On getting them to Amy as quickly and safely as possible. So with understanding he recited the home phone number to the redhead as she carefully dialed each digit before she pressed the green phone button. Briefly holding it to her ear but once she heard it ringing she smiled and handed it over.

Doing his best to prop it up on his shoulder, he waited anxiously for someone at the Meyers residence to answer. Each ring seemed to slow down time and it felt as if no one would pick up his call.

"Hello?" The familiar, mature and warm voice of Gwyn spoke into his ear.

Josh wasn't sure if he wanted Gwyn to answer or if he wanted to hear from Amy instead... "Hey, Gwyn. I have our special guest and I'm heading back now. Did Amy make it home?"

The instant the question was asked there was a sudden tension that filled the car. Even Hayley, who was in no way involved in the conversation seemed to sense it. Glancing at her boyfriend from the corner of her eye. "Yeah, she did." Gwyn says simply, her words doing nothing to ease their worries. It should've though, shouldn't it? Amy made it home. "But... I won't lie, she got pretty beat up coming home." She sighs over the phone. Josh doing his best to not get too wrapped up in the phone call as to avoid forgetting to change lanes when necessary... But he can still feel his heart sinking. "I asked her why and she said she wasn't sure if they'd stop her from calling you and she didn't want to look weak." Answering the question she knows is coming before he asks. Referring to the promise she made to him.

"Do I need to pick up anything on the way?" He asks immediately once he composes himself. Taking his role in Amy's life seriously. Now's the time to act, not pout and whine to himself.

He had no way of knowing for sure but a part of him felt like Gwyn may have started smiling hearing his response. That he's less focused on what she did and more so on how to help her now. "An oversized ice pack or cold compress. Poor girl isn't even leaning into chairs because her back is so tender."

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